Back to the American Race elections, I have been away from it some time now but I can't keep myself away from it.
Do you remember the controversy that happened in American when the statements of Obama former Pastor Wright came to media with all its controversy from God damn America and the white people Vs. black people .. Obama acted wisely and denounced it .
Not only was Obama facing Wright statements but also Louis Farrakhan endorsement ,again Farrakhan controversial statements regarding Israel,Jews were another test for Obama in which I think he passed with huge success as it turned in the end.
Well I believed like many people that who ever brought those statements was from the other opposite camps whether from Hilary or from McCain.
Hilary and her camp with all the battles they leashed against Obama failed and it is matter of time when she raises the White flag , already now Obama is searching for someone to become his VP for the big race.
Now McCain is facing the Karma of what his camp did to Obama in the past months.
Someone brought from the past the controversial statements of his
pastors , the Zionist Christian John Hagee and Rod Parsley
These statements are not less controversial than Wright's in fact I think it is more controversial because it can cause trouble internationally with the least excepted people : The Jews and the most expected people : The Muslims
I will start with the Muslims , us with my all respect to the Jewish people because it will not take much time , already one of the reasons why Muslims dislike McCain is that they know his pastors are crazy right wing neo-conservative Zionist Christians Johan Hagee and Rod Parsley , and both of them are good in nothing except attacking Muslims day and night , calling our religion as evil one against Christianity; this reason make Muslims hate McCain more than Bush.
McCain found himself yesterday against a racial hateful statement from Parsley mouth attacking Islam and Prophet Mohamed "PUBH" ,
of course he had to act quickly and issued a statement to reject the endorsement of Parsely . McCain knows that this could hurt him inside and outside it especially with the international close up coverage to the race.
Anyhow Muslims in America prefer Obama on McCain ,they had enough from the Republicans in 8 long dull years.
Now to John Hagee whom I did not imagine one that a hardcore Christian Zionist like him will be charged with Anti-Semitism !! Hagee found himself like Wright facing serious trouble for something he had written from 2006 in his book "Jerusalem Countdown"
Strangely this book is made to show how devoted Hagee is to Israel and its security , it shows you how close he is to the Israeli leaders and how he is scared from the Islamic countries , I think when he wrote it he did not imagine that the Christians united for Israel would be accused by anti-Semitism.
Well for sure Hagee in it crossed all red lines and taboos saying that that anti-Semitism, and thus the Holocaust, was the fault of Jews themselves - the result of an age old divine curse incurred by the ancient Hebrews through worshiping idols and passed, down the ages, to all Jews now alive.
If you think that this is a shock well wait till you hear the next accusation in the same book to the Catholic church that it worked with Hitler to get from the Jews "Last month McCain attacked Hagee for his attack on the Catholic church which is not the first ,it is not only the Jews but the Vatican too ".
This was not the only thing that suddenly surfaced from the past , an audio recording for Hagee where he said that God sent a hunter to lead the Jewish people to Palestine and this hunter was Hitler appeared on the net !!!!!
I read and heard his strange comment and view regarding Hitler and the founding of Israel in Palestine in 1948 from couple of days and I consider this as another sign of his madness and devotion to the Zionism , and how he mixes Christianity with Zionism in the most maddest way ever . I mean this guy thinks that the WWII was only made to lead the Jews to the Promise Land , I mean how many people were killed in the world in this bloody war so the Jews would go and occupy Palestine !!??
Of course reading and listening to his speech I knew that he based it on
his own understanding for Biblical verses from the Book of Jeremiah .
It is an irony because this man really loves Israel and last month he visited Ariel Sharon's settlement in the occupied territories and was honoured there for honouring Israel !!
Look this man is a hardcore fanatic for Israel still these statements can cause a lot of trouble and I will not deny that I am happy to him in this position .
McCain of course acted so fast because he can't handle losing the Jewish vote and the Israeli support in this elections because some stupid comments from Hagee , he rejected the endorsements of both Hagee and Parsley. I think he rejected Prasley not for fear losing the Islamic vote , he knows that the Islamic vote will go to Obama just like the Black and liberal votes but because he wants to appear in the moderate republican position and as I said earlier he did not want a trouble from outside Islamic world.
Again I feel happy to say Hagee and Parsley in trouble :)
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1948 War,
Hitler John McCain,
John Hagee,
Rod Prasley,
American Presidential elections 2008,
2008 elections