Sunday, January 31, 2016

And Cartoonist Islam Gawish is released after wrongfully detention "Updated"

And after than 24 hours of strange arrest and detention circumstances, popular social media cartoonist Islam Gawish was released without any charges or bail on Monday.
The story of Gawish's strange arrest and release started on Sunday when he was arrested from his work by security forces for the most bizarre reasons ever: For running an unlicensed website in Egypt.
Islam Gawish, a 26-years old cartoonist is popular among social media for his simple doodle comic Facebook page "Al-Warka" aka "The Paper".

Islam Gawish "FB account"
It started Sunday afternoon when we found a post from Gawish's colleague and the manager of "ENN" website he works at declaring that the security forces stormed the office and arrested the 26-years old cartoon allegedly for drawing anti-Sisi and anti-regime comics !!

That alarming post was confirmed by Islam Gawish's official comics Facebook page "Al-Warka" which declared that it would suspend its activities till his release. That post was deleted later from the FB page.

For hours news websites kept sharing a strange list of accusations: managing an unlicensed website, having unlicensed software in the company, running unlicensed Facebook page, broadcasting false news.

According to my knowledge, Gawish is not the owner of ENN and he is only a graphic designer in the news site !!!

He only manages his Facebook page "Al-Warka" and this does not need any license from anyone !! He does not broadcast news but rather draws cartoons for God's Sake !!

Anyhow , hours later the ministry of interior issued an official statement announcing that after receiving a tip that ENN was back online to broadcast news without a permit, the security forces went to search the website headquarter arrested for Islam Gawish , who is responsible for graphics at ENN headquarter and the confiscation of two harddrives and a router !!

The statement also added that it turned out that Islam Gawish was running a website "Facebook page" without having license "!!" and he was running fake pirated software on his computer !! "AKA windows OS !!"

Be Like Christane Taubira

Taburia leaving the ministry last week "AP" 
This is Christiane Taubira
Christiane Taubira was the minister of Justice in France from May 2012 to January 2016.
Christiane Taburia resigned on 26 January to object the French President's draft law to strip French nationality from dual-citizens who are convicted of terrorism.
Christiane Taburia believes that it is unjust to do that and does not care for the wave of nationalism in France after a deadly terrorist attack in November
Christiane Taburia is fair and good.
Be like Christane Taburia.
This is Ahmed El-Zend

Saturday, January 30, 2016

After two years in limbo, Mahmoud Mohamed should be released according to law

Two years and four days  have passed and Mahmoud Mohamed is still in temporary detention pending investigation after his arrest on 25 January 2014.
Mahmoud Mohamed in his first photo in court after
two years "Youm 7" 
According to the Egyptian Criminal law's article No.143, a detainee facing accusations that could lead to a life imprisonment or the death penalty must be released immediately if he or she is not sentenced within the pre-trial detention limit of two years.
More than 700 Egyptian detainees including Mahmoud Mohamed should be released according to this article, Amnesty International said in its statement issued earlier last week demanding the release of 20-years old student.
I know that Mahmoud's lawyers have already presented an appeal based on that article to the court to demand his immediate release and we are waiting to know its result.
Already on 6 January, a Cairo court renewed his pre-trial detention for another 45 days. With that renewal, Mahmoud will continue to spend 757 days in detention since his arrested on 25 January revolution.
According to my understanding of the law, Mahmoud should be released next time he stands in front of the judge because he is accused of a felony , aka riots and has not been referred to a court yet.
Earlier Friday, U.S ambassador to the UN Samantha Power demanded the release of Mahmoud Mohamed.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Remembering #Jan28 in 2016 : A total different experience

Many Egyptians commemorated the fifth anniversary of the 28 January 2011 online, the true day of the Egyptian revolution in the 21st century to be precise and honestly, it was different this year.
It was different thanks to those tiny yet strong boys and their 1.59-minutes video that was the talk of Egypt in the past 48 hours.
Thanks to that campaign against Shady Hussein and Ahmed Malek in the media, most of the 25 January supporters remembered all those unbelievable moments on the 28 January 2011 where the Egyptian people revolted against Mubarak's security forces.
People saw the old faces that used the revolution in the 18 days are having a comeback to slam Shady and Ahmed and memories of those days were back.
Videos and photos were shared madly like fire as #Jan28 hashtag on twitter was trending for many hours in Egypt. People shared photos and memories of that Friday of rage from all Egypt, from all governorates attacking the ministry of interior reminding it that they have not forgotten .. nor forgiven.
The political powers and parties did not commemorate the Day of Rage and its martyrs nor did they organize any related event.
Egypt's minister of defense Sobhi Sedky visited Tahrir square only to check the security measures there.
Already army units have been protecting it since last week.
There was only one Pro-Sisi supporter holding a banner in Tahrir square on Thursday congratulating the Egyptian police for its day on 28 January and the police was standing against the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorism.
Pro-Sisi supporter in Tahrir square on 28 January !! 
Still few blocks away, a small family from Giza stood alone to commemorate the #Jan28 and its martyrs in a silent stand on Kasr Al-Nil bridge which witnessed an epic battle between protesters and security forces.
The family on Kasr Al Nil
reminding the people with Jan28
That small family is the family of Sabah "Um Ali" and her children Sara and Ali.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Egypt's Day of rage in Photos #Jan28 #Jan25

The true revolution day in Egypt in 2011 was on 28 January 2011 and I lived it and I saw it by own eyes.
For me, the 25 January 2011 was just the start but 28 January ... oh man !! I become emotional when I write about that day.
This happened on that day from 5 years "Reuters"
Once again, here is another great collection of photos taken by Reuters' talented photographers in Egypt on 28 January 2011 thanks to dear journalist Mohamed Atef.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Crucify Those rude boys in Tahrir for those bloody 1.59 minutes !!

A 1.59-minutes prank video in Egypt has been the talk of the town in the past 24 hours as well its most-watched video.
It also has become the most controversial video where the Pro-regime supporters and media are demanding the crucifixion of its makers because they dared and offended the police force in Tahrir square on 25 January 2016.
Here is the video.

TV satirist Shady Hussein and aspiring TV actor Ahmed Malek went to Tahrir square to celebrate the National police day where they gave police officers and conscripts Durex condoms as balloons.
Ahmed Malek and Shady Hussein
Ahmed Malek and Shady Hussein
In normal circumstances that video would not create all that controversy but things went out of control when the unofficial Ministry of interior and police Facebook pages began to share it and attack both Shady Hussein and Ahmed Malek for insulting the police conscripts.
The Pro-regime supporters caught it from there and hell broke loose with demands literately to crucify, rape, torture and burn those boys at the stake for insulting the poor conscripts.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January 26, 2016 at 04:29PM

Enough said ... State-owned Akhbar frontpage today ... عنوان صحفية الأخبار المصرية #Egypt #blogger #Citizenjournalism #2016 January 26, 2016 at 04:29PM via Instagram

#Jan25 : This is how it was in 2016

And the Egyptian Meteorological authority was right, the 25th January 2016 was stormy rainy day and that's it.
Stormy cloud over Tahrir square, a metaphoric coincidence !!
By Orla Guerin "BBC"
That's the only action we had throughout the fifth anniversary of the 25th January.
Nothing happened in Tahrir square, it was deserted by the true protesters since early morning.
The shops were closed in Downtown Cairo.
Tahrir square early Monday by Maged Atef for Buzzfeed 

Instead, dozens of Pro-Sisi supporters showed up to celebrate the Police National Day with the security forces in the square.
Celebrating the Police National Day "Reuters" 

Monday, January 25, 2016

January 25, 2016 at 11:43AM

The navigation system in #Suez canal , #Egypt #Citizenjournalism #blogger #whatever January 25, 2016 at 11:43AM via Instagram

At Tahrir square on 25 January 2011 in photos

And I cannot believe that 5 years have passed already on that day that changed Egypt forever.
Nobody believed that a small protest in Tahrir square called by a Facebook event would change and the world as well in this way.
Tearing up the photo of Hosni Mubarak on 25 January 2011
Alexandria "Reuters" 
Yes, the Arab Revolutionary Spring officially started in Tunisia but in Egypt, it became something big.
Now I will stop being sentimental, here is a great collection of photos taken by Reuters photographers in Egypt on that day from Cairo and Alexandria on the 25 January 2011.
I have seen few photos from that collection before.
You can see them after the break.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Why so worried about #Jan25 in 2016 !?

I do not know why the regime is extremely worried about the fifth anniversary of the 25th January revolution in Egypt.
The past three weeks has been hysterical literality in the mainstream media when it comes to the anniversary that brought down the Mubaraks and his regime partially.
It is hysterical for real and what is happening in Tunisia is even making the Pro-regime media more hysterical as far as I could tell.
Even El-Sisi mentioned Tunisia in his speech at the Police academy urging Tunisians and Egyptians not to ruin their country because economic conditions all over the globe are bad !!
It is like they are freaking out !!!
Egyptian security Forces at Tahrir square
on 24 January 2016
The past three week has been witnessing unprecedented security crackdown on Egyptian activists from different political factions , whether from April 6 Youth or Revolutionary socialists or even Tamarod or independent activists despite no one declared his or her intention to organize protests or any street activity what so ever.
Despite April 6 Youth movement "both fronts" declared no intention so far to protest or organize any public event on the anniversiary of 25 January , 4  leading members "From the memebr of the political office" were arrested in late Deember for allegedly prepraring for protests !!
The famous political group which was officially banned by the adminsitrative court from a couple of years ago announced on Sunday that it woud not organize any event tomorrow.
The only thing they called for in their statement that was published on their facebook from the people to wear black on Monday in order to protest silently.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 21, 2016 at 04:50PM

Why so serious MP Mortada Mansour !? #Egypt #Citizenjournalism #blogger #Parliament #HouseofRepresentatives January 21, 2016 at 04:50PM via Instagram

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Night at the Egyptian National Theatre

If you are following the Egyptian Chronicles blog carefully in the past few weeks, you will notice that I have been posting photos from the Egyptian National Theatre from time to time since December.

Tonight I decided instead of speaking about the Black comedy taking place in the Egyptian Parliament, I will speak about my night at the Egyptian National theatre and share the rest of the photos I took it there.

Last December, I went with my family to the Egyptian National Theatre to attend its successful production of Layla Min Alf Layla (One of a Thousand Nights) musical starring veteran Yahia El-Fakharany, Heba Magdi and Mohamed Mohsen.

The Musical production was a hit for the State-owned Egyptian National Theatre since its launch in August. In December, it smashed the box office records and achieved LE 2 million in time nobody goes to theatres in Egypt except very few.

This was the first time I had gone to Egypt's National Theatre and to know its history.
The Egyptian National theatre in Cairo
The entrance of the Egyptian National Theatre in Down Town Cairo
If what I read about it correct then it will be the oldest National Theatre building in Egypt and Middle East that is still in its place and operating since the 19th century.

Located in Al-Azbakeya area in Downtown Cairo, the National Theatre story started in 1869 when Khedive Ismail ordered its construction to host the
shows of 'Comedie-Franciase' in Cairo during the legendary inauguration of the Suez Canal.

The Egyptian National theatre in Cairo
The exterior of the Egyptian National Theatre building showing
the features of famous orientalist Moorish Heliopolis style 

Known during then as 'Al-Azbakeya Theatre', it hosted the first Egyptian-Syrian theatrical shows for Abu Khalil Qabbani theatre company in 1885.

Monday, January 18, 2016

A Hope For many families and yet a false hope for others

Earlier Monday, Egypt's National Council For Human Rights "NCHR" published the report it got from the Ministry of interior "MOI" regarding the fate of Forcible disappearance cases in Egypt in details, after the initial MOI statement in early JanuaryE.
The official NCHR stated it referred 191 complaints documented forcible disappearance cases in Egypt. The MOI replied and revealed information about 118 cases as follows:
  • The MOI released 15 people following investigations
  • There are 99 people currently detained people in different cases and in prisons
  • There are 3 people from that list that are on the run
  • There is one case "a lady" that escaped from her family in the list.
The NHCR also revealed it reached to the fate of three other cases in the list with no involvement of the MOI but with the help of their families
Accordingly, the fate of 121 people disappeared in strange circumstances in the past few months was determined. Yes, the majority of the 121 names is found in detention but at least, their families know where they are now. It is a new hope for them

Egypt's Dusty Day

Egypt is having one dusty day today with a chilly sandstorm that will continue till Tuesday. Since early morning, the sky turned yellow. Several ports across the country are closed due to bad weather conditions.
This is how it looked earlier today in Cairo.
Via Instagram

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Forget about amending the Protest law in the House of Representatives

Some people had hopes in the past two years that the controversial Protest law would be amended in a way or another in the Egyptian House of Representatives.
Well, surprise .. it won't be amended in this House of Representatives because the members won't
Egyptian House of Representatives "Reuters"
review the laws issued before Constitution 2014 was passed.

The controversial infamous Protest led to the imprisonment of thousands of Egyptian youth since November 2013.
It is currently being challenged in front of the Supreme Constitutional court.
I remember some people from the so-called Democratic branch in the government or the regime in the media kept saying "guys, wait till the upcoming parliament as it will fix that protest law", "Instead of demanding its cancellation, wait till the parliament and it will be amended".
Already as of January 10, the House of Representatives and its 19 subcommittees will review 340 laws issued from January 18, 2014 to the end of 2015 according to the Constitution. Oh yes, no one paid attention to this constitutional fact.
Here is a very nice general and summarized breakdown for those 340 laws by Ziad Bahaa El-Din in Ahram Online.
By way , House of Representatives Speaker Ali Abdel Aal stated that there would be no live broadcast for the sessions of the parliament while reviewing the laws issued in Post-Constitution 2014.
Oh yes, we are not going to see any live feed from the House of Representatives in these 15 days till the Post-Constitution 2014 laws are passed.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Difference between Spanish Congress of Deputies and the Egyptian House of Representatives

Meet Nagua Alba, the 25-years old Spanish MP of Egyptian Nubian origins in the Spanish Congress of Deputies.
Nagua Alba "Ahmed Guoeli's Facebook page"
Nagua Alba -born Nagua Goueli-the Podemos party member headed the first procedural session of the Spanish Congress of Deputies on Wednesday in Madrid as its youngest member according to the Spanish Constitution.
Graduated from the university of Madrid with a major in psychology, the daughter of an Egyptian father and Spanish mother got the highest number of votes in Gipuzkoa, northern Spain.
We are speaking about a newcomer to politics who got 97,000 votes in the Spanish general elections in December.
Nagua Alba is the daughter of Egyptian Nubian Ahmed Goueli who left Egypt to learn Spanish in Spain where he settled down there in 1990s. Goueli is now working in the online tourism sector and is a co-founder of a number of successful online tourism sites.
Despite living in Spain, Ahmed Goueli is a big supporter to 25 January revolution and called his daughter as its daughter.
Now Meet Bahaa Abu Shouka, the 78-years old Egyptian MP in the Egyptian House of Representatives.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

And We got officially a convicted former President in Egypt

On Saturday, Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Hosni Mubarak and his sons' appeal against a conviction for embezzling public funds in the Presidential Palaces trial was rejected, thus he became the first Egyptian president to be convicted of corruption as the ruling is final.
Yes, Officially and historically Mohamed Hosni Mubarak is found guilty of corruption and court ruling can not be further challenged.
Accordingly, Mubarak will be deprived of all the privileges granted to former Egyptian presidents according to the law. The privileges include security crews as well the honors that come with annual income like The Order of the Sinai Star.
He also should not receive a military funeral if he dies. Of course, we will see what will happen then.
His sons, Gamal and Alaa will not be allowed to participate in politics for the upcoming 5 years as well.
Some are saying that this court ruling was issued to ban Gamal Mubarak from any political activity intentionally. Well, I do not care about Junior because we got a history that has been made.
Hosni Mubarak is convicted as a corrupted president, it is a fact now.
The Mubaraks did not spend those years in jail because they served them during the pre-trial detention.
To refresh your memory, I strongly advise you to read the Mada Masr's investigative report about the Presidential Palace case.
Now, Mohamed Hosni Mubarak is the first Egyptian president and ruler whether alive or dead to be convicted officially in a corruption case in front of the court in Egypt in the past 200 years.
Mubarak's attorney Farid El-Deeb after hearing the sentence
This is Mubarak's first conviction after his ouster on February 2011.
He made a name in Egypt's modern history indeed.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

House of Representatives : Season 1 Premiere Recap

And it is not only the first parliamentary session Egypt has seen since the dissolution of the parliament in summer 2012 but it can be the longest parliamentary procedural session in the history of Egypt and may be the world!!

Yes, the session went on till beyond 1 AM Cairo local time. We are having a breaking record here in Egypt and it is not involving food for the first time !!

Anyhow this breaking record of hours is just another extra feature in today's Season 1 Premiere of Egypt's Parliament 2016.
The first procedural session in the Egyptian parliament 2016
Since the start of the day, all indications made it clear that it would not be your usual parliament at all.

Of course, I was mistaken as I thought El-Sisi would inaugurate the session. It turned to be a procedural session. El-Sisi will inaugurate the parliamentary term in another day, may be next week.

Now to the procedural session which was headed by the oldest members in the House of Representative appointed MP and Al-Wafd Veteran member Bahaa Abu-Shouka.

After the start of the session, the 596 members "568 elected MPs+ 28 appointed MPs by the President" must take the oath in front of other members and in front of the whole world because the session was on air ... and the fun began !!

Some MPs insisted on changing the oath especially MP Mortada Mansour who unsurprisingly was the star of today's premiere with what he had done.

Reading the oath, Mansour said at first " I will respect the articles of the constitution" and not "I will respect the constitution".

Abu-Shouka told him to read it again correctly but then the bigger-than-life head of Zamalek club shouted that he would not because "The informants age is over" and He does not "respect a composition topic".

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12, 2016 at 12:43AM

The #Egyptian National #Theatre in #downtownCairo #Citizenjournalism #blogger #Cairo #Egypt #Discoveryourcity #ThisisEgypt January 12, 2016 at 12:43AM via Instagram

Saturday, January 9, 2016

And the new Season of the Egyptian parliament is kicking off !!

After few hours from now, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will inaugurate the first session of the Egyptian parliament aka House of Representatives in Cairo. It turned out that the president did not inaugurate it , this was the procedural inauguration of the House of Representatives
Getting ready for action "Reuters" 

The 596 MPs "568 elected and 28 appointed by the President" will elect the Speaker of the parliament and his undersecretaries in the session.
There have been a lot of speculations about who will become the House of Representatives speaker.
Former interim President and current head of Supreme Constitution court Adly Mansour seemed to be the Presidency candidate but he refused because there would be a conflict of interest if he became the House of Representatives speaker.
After all, how he would lead a discussion about a law he issued during his presidency !?
Now as Mansour is not an option, another name is expected to be elected as the Parliament speaker and that name is Serry Siam.
In another sign that the NDP and Mubarak regime are having a strong comeback. Siam used to be a legal adviser to Fathy Sorror, the longtime People's assembly speaker in Mubarak's rule for 13 years.
He is believed to be among the legal team behind many infamous laws during the time of Mubarak.
The 1941-born judge was appointed in the Parliament by President El-Sisi along with other 27 public figures from two weeks ago.
He is a perfect choice if you think about when it comes to the so-called 30 June parliament and its unique members.
The session is going to be headed by the eldest member of the Parliament MP Bahaa Abu Shouka of Al-Wafd Party.
The famous criminal law lawyer was appointed in the parliament by President El-Sisi.
I do not know if the TV is going to air the first session of the parliament on air just like it did during the 2011/2012 parliament or not. Some say that the TV won't do it for fear of scandals on air like in the 2012 parliament.
We will see. It is just a matter of hours after all.

January 09, 2016 at 02:27PM

Written above the Curtain of #Egypt 's National #Theatre the famous versus of #Egyptian #Poet Ahmed Shawky in Arabic about the importance of manners in the society. #Citizenjournalism #blogger #downtownCairo #Cairo #Discoveryourcity #ThisisEgypt January 09, 2016 at 02:27PM via Instagram

Friday, January 8, 2016

The so-many versions of What happened in Hurghada's Belle Vista Hotel Friday evening

From few hours ago, the city of Hurghada in Red Sea governorate was the center of attention of the world with shocking news about an attack in a hotel there Friday evening.
According to the early information spread in Egyptian media from news websites and TV channels, unknown militants stormed "Belle Vista" hotel attacking the tourists at the Hotel Lobby there and that the security forces were handling the situation there.

Outside the Belle Vista Hotel
Hurghada "Reuters"
Within few minutes, news reports based on anonymous security sources started to show up in popular news websites like Youm 7 and Al-Masry Al-Youm claiming that those militants were carrying the Daesh/ISIS flag and that one of them was wearing an explosive belt.

The sources began to call those militants as terrorists.
Sooner, we read that two tourists were injured and  at least, two terrorists were killed on the spot.
Then, even more alleged details began to spread online like how those alleged terrorists came from Sinai through the Red Sea and more ignorance revealed in itself in a famous Arabic news channel that do not know that Hurghada is not located in Sinai.

The reports went viral internationally online.
We are still recovering from the Russian airliner crash and yesterday we had another bizarre incident involving tourists which Daesh claimed its responsibility despite it failed.
As soon as I read the news alert about the attack in Hurghada, I thought about Tunisia and the terrorist attack in its resort city.
I wondered if it was some sort of lone wolves style attack especially with all the reports in the media.
At 9:45 PM Cairo Local time, Egypt's ministry of interior issued its first statement about the attack and it had another version of the story.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

January 07, 2016 at 02:26PM

#Egyptian National #Theatre in #downtownCairo #Citizenjournalism #blogger #buildings #Cairowalk #Discoveryourcity #Cairo #Egypt #ThisisEgypt January 07, 2016 at 02:26PM via Instagram

More shocking numbers about the Egyptian Countryside that nobody cared for in 2015

There are more shocking numbers about Egypt's Countryside that were announced in 2015 and nobody cared to discuss them despite how much revealing they are just like the agricultural land ownership numbers.
In late December, Egypt's Central Agency for public mobilization "CAPMAS" issued a report about its complete survey in Egypt's countryside and its characteristics.
According to that survey, 75% of Egyptian villages do not have sewage systems.
Yes, 3/4 of villages in that survey conducted on 4655 villages across Egypt do not have access to a sewage system.
The report added that even in the rest 25% lucky villages with sewage system things are not that smooth.
According to CAMPAS' report, the sewage system in 47.5% of the villages that got them are either blocked or not working properly.
Those numbers are really quite interesting because we are speaking about a sample of villages, after all, not all the villages in Egypt or for instance, the shanty towns.
In an TV interview with CBC Extra channel earlier this week, the spokesperson of Egypt's Holding Company for Water and Wastewater Colonel Mohi El-Din El-Serafy "yes Col." stated that 85% of the villages in Egypt did not have real sweage system.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy Orthodox Christmas 2016

Happy Orthodox Christmas to all Christians celebrating it around the globe tonight especially the Egyptian Orthodox Christians.
Happy feasts.
An old illustration showing the holy family
entering Egypt

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 05, 2016 at 07:15PM

In love with #downtownCairo balconies #Citizenjournalism #blogger #Egypt #ThisisEgypt #Discoveryourcity #Cairo #Cairowalk #buildings January 05, 2016 at 07:15PM via Instagram

Kodak Agfa presents : Sharkia's countryside

Okay people, here is the first Kodak Agfa photo story for 2016.
Despite those photos were taken in May 2015, I think this is the perfect time to share them publicly.
In May 2015, I went twice to Sharkia governorate, North Delta and took a couple of photos in the countryside there during a family visit there.

Sharkia governorate is already the third populated governorate in the country. I went to the town of Faquos, to one of its villages specifically.

Most of the population there work in farming just like they have done for thousands of years.


Despite big towns like Faquos can not escape modernity until the Egyptian countryside is still keeping its characteristics from thousands of years.
Still, the red bricks building are approaching indeed into the agricultural land madly.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

So it is not all about joining ISIS

Last week, Egypt's National Council For Human Rights "NCHR" requested the ministry of interior officially to reveal its information about the documented case of 101 people in Egypt forcibly disappeared according to international standards.
On Saturday and on a phone interview on CBC TV channel, the ministry of interior's spokesperson police General Abu-Bakr Abdel Karm revealed 83 of those names sent by the NCHR were detained in cases already by security forces.
Head of NCHR former Nasser's minister Mohamed Fayek
with current minister of interior Magdy Abdel Ghafer
This is a very important statement because it reveals that the majority of those 101 cases documented by the State's official board for Human Rights are in the ministry of interior's custody and not in ISIS as the Pro-regime media and Egyptian officials claim.
Yes for months, Egyptian officials kept saying that the disappeared youth joined ISIS whether in Syria or Libya.

Seen in Giza : Setting up a billboard in Giza

Seen in Giza : Setting up a huge billboard in crowded Mohendessin street in Giza governorate 

January 03, 2016 at 01:43AM

The #Egyptian National #Theatre in #downtownCairo founded in 1921 #Egypt #Cairo #Citizenjournalism #blogger #ThisisEgypt #Discoveryourcity January 03, 2016 at 01:43AM via Instagram

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Who owns the agricultural land in Egypt now !?

By accident, I stumbled last Thursday on that news or rather official report about agricultural land in 2015 that says a lot actually.
In May 2015,  Egypt's ministry of agriculture issued a statement saying only half of Egypt's farmers own less than 15% of agricultural land in the country !!

Yes, you read it right, half of Egyptian farmers own less than 15% of agricultural land in the country and each farmer owns between one to four kirats.

I do not know who owns the rest 85% of agricultural land in the country and whether if this means the return of the old feudalism or we have a new shape of feudalism in the country.

Seriously , who owns the majority of agricultural land in Egypt now !?

The report blames the migration of farmer to cities as a reason for the decline in the rate of agricultural land possession.

I believe that this is just one of the main of the reasons why there is a huge declare in the rate of agricultural land possession and that it took many decades to reach that percentage.
The report also says that decline in agricultural land possession led to the increase of poverty rate in the countryside as well the increase in building on agricultural land.

Friday, January 1, 2016

January 01, 2016 at 02:18AM

#Egyptian National #Theatre in #downtownCairo #Cairo #Citizenjournalism #blogger #Egypt #ThisisEgypt #Discoveryourcity #Cairowalk January 01, 2016 at 02:18AM via Instagram

Happy new year 2016

Happy new year 2016 from Egyptian chronicles to the all the fantastic readers who are still reading those chronicles.
Hopefully and miraculously this new year will be better for the whole world.