Despite the economic conditions in Egypt and the fact that the government and new elected president are running behind investments to save our economy we found out that the Ramadan TV season this year is the most expensive one in the Egyptian TV history.
According to news reports published in the past week :
- This year we have in Egypt 70 soap operas
- The budget of 54 soap operas have reached to LE 1 billion and 180 millions !!
- The highest production TV soap opera was Adel Emam’s “Nagi Attallah’s Team” series followed by Yahia El Fakhranay’s “El Khawaga Abdel Kader” series. You can check this list here.
The Ramadan season in TV is usually the busiest in Egypt and in the Arab world in general. Of course we taught our dear Arabs this tradition unfortunately where people do nothing after Iftar except sitting in front of the TV for 30 days !!
In market language , in the past 16 months we got over 10 private channels including channels that are actually networks with huge funding God only knows their sources like CBC and Al Nahar. “Which are actually owned by former Mubarak’s regime men”
These channels create demand and ready to pay to get exclusive products which in our case simply TV series so it is not a big surprise to find huge number of TV series in one season like that.
Of course some believe that this is bad as all that money is spent on soap operas but when you think about it again actually this money is good for our economy as this is part of our entertainment sector , from the services sector in our GDP. You should think about the fact that TV soap operas are sold to Arab TV channels from the Gulf to the Ocean.
Already before the coup of 1952 cinema production in Egypt was one of the main sources of income right after the cotton export. Just imagine how many houses are open because this sector and you will know that it is not bad but rather a good thing in such bad economic situation.
Hopefully other services sectors in Egypt will catch up with the entertainment and TV production in Egypt.
By the way for the first time in the Arab world as well in the World you can watch the Ramadan TV soap operas with no silly commercial breaks online on YouTube. In cooperation with Google and YouTube and bunch of channels and producers we got :
I think we are competing the American networks that post its full soap operas on YouTube now with all that TV shows and soap operas only made for one month !! There is live broadcast for TV channels from Egypt and Arab world if you are interested in watching them alive.
By the way if I recommend , you should watch TV series “The Escape” written by dear friend and famous writer Balel Fadl and starring Karim Abdel Aziz. A mix of politics and drama with a little comedy dosage that tackles the working class outside Cairo as well the practices of state security during the days of Mubarak frankly and clearly.
BY the way I have noticed that there are 3 soap operas about thugs and thuggery as well the amount of obscenities said and violence against women in the soap operas are horrible and incredibly increasing.