Friday, July 19, 2024

Back to Moulid on Ashura: Yet another old visit to Al-Moulid Market at El-Sayeda Zeinab

It is Ashura, a holy day for not only Muslim Shia but for all Muslims as well as all the believers if you think about it.

According to the popular Islamic Sunni tradition, Ashura marks the parting of the Red Sea by Prophet Moses, Prophet Joseph was released from prison, Prophet Noah disembarked from the Ark, God forgave the father of all prophets and all mankind Prophet Adam

Nevertheless, some Muslim religious scholars believe that the only thing that happened on that day was the parting of the Red by Prophet Moses as mentioned by Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” while the rest was not explicitly mentioned.

Some believe that rest was added to the day by the Umayyads to downplay what happened on that day and left a black mark that divided the Muslims into two sects: Sunni and Shia.

Al-Hussein Mosque

On that day, the battle of Karbala occurred where the big Umayyad army led by Yazid stood against the army of the few led by no other Imam Al-Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Mohamed “PBUH”

On that day, Al-Hussein was martyred defending what can be described now as the right to elect the ruler aka election of a new caliph through shura (consultation) instead of the hereditary rule.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Happy New Hijri Year 1446: Let’s remember how early Muslims became refugees

Happy and blessed New Hijri Year 1446 to all Muslims in the world, especially to the Muslim refugees

I am seizing this opportunity to remind some people “especially in Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and Ethiopia” that we are celebrating how Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” and his companions, the early Muslims had become refugees seeking safety in Yathrib as well as Ethiopia from 14 centuries ago technically speaking.

Two little Sudanese refugees making it to Chad across the desert "AFP
Two little Sudanese refugees making it to Chad across the desert

The Muslim World has the biggest and oldest refugee crisis in the world with refugees from Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Yemen Afghanistan and Myanmar. Already some Muslim countries and governments caused this refugee crisis.

The Muslim World also has countries with political and financial capabilities to solve this crisis but unfortunately despite being about nearly 2 billion-people nation, we are as Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” said “numerous but weak”.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Regarding what happened in the Hajj 2024 Season : It is not the responsibility of the Egyptian unauthorized pilgrims alone

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia announced officially that at least 1,301 people died during the Hajj 2024 season.

According to statements from Saudi officials, most of those who died were from the unauthorized pilgrims who went to Hajj without a permit.

No Hajj without a permit sign in Saudi Arabia "AFP"
No Hajj without a permit sign in Saudi Arabia "AFP"

This is the first time Saudi officials have admitted that such a large number of pilgrims have passed away this Hajj season, following a week of public denial online.

Saudi Arabia officially hosted about 1.8 million pilgrims this season; a number lower than in years before the coronavirus pandemic.

Unofficial reports indicate that the majority of those who died were Egyptians who went on pilgrimage without a permit.

According to the Wall Street Journal last Friday, over 680 Egyptians died due to the scorching heatwave during the pilgrimage, almost all of whom participated without permits. An additional 700 Egyptians are still missing, the report added.

On Saturday, Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly ordered the immediate revocation of licenses for 16 tourism companies involved in organizing unauthorized pilgrimage arrangements over the death of the unauthorized Egyptian pilgrims during the Hajj 2024 season.

The officials responsible for these companies are referred to public prosecution on charges of fraud, the statement of the Egyptian government said.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Blessed and Happy Eid Adha 2024

Blessed and Happy Eid Adha 2024 regardless of all the sadness worldwide, especially in the Middle East and Africa.

Here is a special “Last Meal” of Eid’s sheep by Egypt’s legendary painter and illustrator, the underrated Hussein Bicar.

The Last Meal by Bicar
The Last Meal by Bicar 

Published in 1954, it is watercolours on paper. After seeing it on Bicar's official Facebook page, I admit that I enhanced the painting a bit.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Gaza War 2023 : This is what the graffiti of Gaza says ( Vol.1)

As a loyal 25 January supporter, I feel weak whenever I see political graffiti. Political graffiti has always played a role in Egypt and the Arab world.

From its rise in 2011 to its decline in 2015, the graffiti of the Egyptian Revolution provided a platform for the public to express their opinions to the world.

That’s why when I see pictures of graffiti in Gaza from the past 8 months on social media, I feel deeply touched.

Here is some graffiti from Gaza.

Unlike other graffiti, most of it is drawn and written on the rubble and crumbling walls of houses.

According to data collected by the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) on May 3 and published on May 31, more than half of all buildings in Gaza have been destroyed.

At least 137,297 buildings have been damaged, according to satellite imagery-based assessments by the UNOSAT.

In the past 8 months, the most common type of graffiti seen in Gaza, at least from photos, consists of notifications written on walls indicating that someone was killed under the rubble.

Usually, family members who survived but lost their homes in the Israeli shelling leave these messages for others as they embark on an unknown journey of displacement.

On the occasion of Eid Adha, photographer Haneen Salem found a young man in Gaza City who had written "Eid Mubarak to all of you" on the walls of his destroyed house.

Graffiti from Gaza
"Happy Eid to all of you" from Gaza to the World 

He told Salem that his family was still under the rubble of the house, and this was the first Eid without them.

"I wanted to write next to their spirits and tell them that their Eid in paradise is more beautiful," he told her.

These pieces of graffiti have become like tombstones.

Friday, June 7, 2024

All Eyes on Sudan : Wad Al-Noura Massacre is just one of too many Massacres

I told you before that 5 June 2024 was a bitter one as it was not only the anniversary of the Six Day War Defeat in the Gaza war and the flags parade in East Jerusalem, but it also came at the time another Arab country witnessed a horrifying genocide and the world is still watching.

A photo from a screenshot showing the first mass funeral held for the victims
on the Wednesday at Wad Al-Noura 

In Sudan, we found out Wednesday night that more than 100 men were killed by the Rapid Support Forces “RSF” in one day in one single village in Al Jazira state.

According to the latest numbers we have got, there are at least 180 men who were killed by the RSF in this massacre that officially carries the name of the village it had been committed at “Wad El Noura”.

The latest numbers confirmed that there are 35 children among the victims. There are 220 people seriously injured by the villagers.

“Wad El Noura” village which was unknown outside Sudan has become world famous for the most wrong reasons ever.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Watch this : The setback defeat Continues from 1967 to 2024 “Updated”

The anniversary of the Six Days War aka 1967 War passes this year in a very bitter way in the Arab world, especially in Egypt. With all that is happening in Palestine whether in Gaza especially in Rafah or in the West Bank, especially in East Jerusalem, it is a very bitter anniversary.

Flag parade in East Jerusalem in 2024
The Israeli ultranationalist flag parade entering the Al-Aqsa complex on Wednesday
5 June 2024 in Occupied East Jerusalem by 

I do not know if I posted this here before or not, but I remember speaking about it earlier.

In cooperation with the Al-Mawkef Al-Masry political news Facebook page, renowned Egyptian historian Dr. Khaled Fahmy presented a series of episodes about the Six Days War in 2022.

It is a must-watch series.

Unfortunately, it is in Arabic. I wish it were translated into English one day.

Until now, the official documents of the Six Days War in Egypt have not been released.

Fahmy depends on foreign sources as well as the transcripts of Nasser’s cabinet meetings that were released by his family, in addition to the memoirs of Egyptian officials.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Songs of Fire and struggle: Dear Internet Sherine’s Kalam Eineh is not about Palestine, but those songs are

This is a quick post as I have a million things to do right now. Recently, I found out that many pro-Palestinian content creators on TikTok and Instagram use Egyptian pop star Sherine's hit song "Kalam Eineh" as background music for their videos about Gaza.

"If my voice is gone, your songs will remain"
said Naji Al-Ali in one of his poems and cartoons in 1980s

I don't know how or when this started, but the song, musically composed by Hassan El-Shafei, has become a global hit strangely.

People visit the original song on YouTube and comment that they came from TikTok and shout "Viva Palestine," which makes me happy.

Yet I have to say, this song “Kalam Eineh” has nothing to do with Palestine or Gaza at all. “Kalam Eineh” or “The Love Words of his eyes” is a romantic song.

Here is the translation of the lyrics in English.

That is the first part which is usually shared in the videos.

" The love words of his eyes are sweeter than songs
From a couple of words, from a greeting, I become someone else
When he sways, my heart sways with him
I may sacrifice my eyes and whole life for him, and it's too little
The love words of his eyes are sweeter than songs
From a couple of words, from a greeting, I become someone else
When he sways, my heart sways with him
I may sacrifice my eyes and whole life for him, and it's too little"

I know it may sound exotic, but it does not fit the hard times the Palestinians are living currently in Gaza.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Gaza War 2023: This is what the real humans of Gaza say/are saying/said "May Mother’s Day Edition"

I wanted to publish this post on the March Egyptian/Arab Mother’s Day, but I could not during then. Now it is the week of May Mother’s Day in the West and so it is time to hear what the real mothers of Gaza say/are saying and said.

I failed to post this on our Egyptian/Arab Mother’s Day because I was overwhelmed by the messages and videos I found for Palestinian mothers from Gaza, and I am still overwhelmed.

The Palestinian mothers in Gaza gave another reason why mothers are revered universally.

Mothers and babies in destroyed houses by Motaz Aaiza in Gaza
Mothers and babies in destroyed houses by Motaz Aaiza in Gaza

On the eve of May Mother’s Day, I saw this video of an old woman displaced along with her injured paralyzed son in North Gaza searching for safety.

Her son, suffering from injuries sustained during the Nabulsi roundabout massacre, required urgent blood transfusions at Kamal Adwan Hospital on Sunday.

However, they were forced to evacuate following leaflets dropped by occupation forces planes, urging everyone to leave Jabalia and surrounding areas. The mother, struggling with her son's partial paralysis and inadequate medical facilities in North Gaza, expresses a desperate wish for peace.

This great mother reminded me of the other mother who kept pulling her two toddler sons for nearly 14 kilometres in the first displacement from the North to Middle Gaza in November. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Kodak Agfa presents : Cairo’s Al-Sayeda Zeinab Mosque and Shrine during Renovations

A very short break and escape from a war that will be our Karbala moment as a nation and on the eve of the re-inauguration of Al-Sayeda Zeinab Mosque and Shrine after a major renovation, I would like to share with you a couple of photos I took earlier this year to the Mosque while it was still being renovated.

On Sunday, it is expected that the Mosque will be re-inaugurated by the current Sultan of Bohras Mufaddal Saifuddin and Egyptian officials above them expectedly President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

El-Sayeda Zeinab Mosque and shrine during renovations in Cairo ترميمات مسجد و ضريح السيدة زيبن بالقاهرة
Al-Sayeda Zeinab Mosque's entrance from Al-Sadd Street in Cairo

The Indian spiritual leader of the Shia sect arrived in Cairo on Saturday and met with El-Sisi.

I think that he made a new record number of visits to Egypt in the past few years that no other Sultan of the Ismaili branch of Shia Islam had made in the past.

The Dawoodi Bohra Shiites are funding the whole renovation process of the mosques and shrines Ahl Al-Beit or Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) Family in Egypt especially in Cairo.

Al-Sayeda Zeinab or Lady Zeinab is Prophet Mohamed’s granddaughter. It is widely believed in Egypt that she came to Cairo in 61 Hijri (680 AD) and lived there till her death. Lady Zeinab was buried in a place that was once part of the Egyptian Gulf.

Lady Zeinab is a holy symbol for Shias as well as the Sunnis, especially Egyptians “We are the Shiaa of the Sunni”.

One of the oldest photos taken in the 19th century of El-Sayeda Zeinab
Mosque in Cairo

Again, I won’t enter the debate about whether Lady Zeinab Peace Upon Her was buried in Cairo or in Damascus but the oldest mention of the mosque as a shrine for the Prophet Mohamed’s Granddaughter or “Mashhad al-Sayyida Zainab” was found in the 4th century Hijri (10th century) chronicles of Andalusian traveller “Al-Fassi” to Egypt during then.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Happy Orthodox Easter 2024 from Gaza regardless of war

Happy Orthodox Easter from Gaza, from one of the world’s oldest active yet ignored Church of Saint Porphyries.

Despite all the odds the Church and the very few remaining Greek Orthodox Christians celebrated Orthodox Easter holding all the masses and rituals.

Easter Orthodox held at St.Church of Saint Porphyries in Gaza on Sunday
by Hamza Qraiqea for Anadolu/AFP

The Palestinian Orthodox Christians held all the masses and rituals in a sombre mood after all that they had been facing since October.

People ignore the fact that this is the third oldest active church in the world named after Saint Porphyries of the Greek Orthodox Church.

Originally born in Thessaloniki, Bishop Porphyries was sent to Gaza in the 5th century by the Patriarch of Jerusalem when it was a city of Pagans. Historically Gaza was a pagan city and was not even a part of the short-lived-Jewish Kingdoms in what was known then Jerusalem and Judea.

Bishop Porphyries helped in the conversion of many Palestinians to Christianity. Porphyries’ tomb is in the North Eastern corner of the Church.

Now I do not understand why a Church like the Church of Saint Porphyries is not on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Unfortunately, the world seemed to discover it only when it was bombed by Israeli Air Forces on 25 October causing the collapse of one of the two halls it targeted.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Gaza War: A Portfolio of Israel’s Newborns Targets in Gaza

In the days before the war, Yahia Barzaq became the first professional photographer in the Gaza Strip to specialize in photographing newborns and babies.

Barzaq started capturing images of newborns with the assistance of his wife in mid-July 2017, initially at their home, and it quickly gained immense popularity.

Shortly after securing local funding through an entrepreneurship business contest, he established his newborn photography studio in the upscale Remal district, known for its affluence in Central Gaza.

Just three days after the studio’s grand opening, the young photographer announced to expectant mothers that he would only be able to photograph babies under 14 days old and that his schedule was fully booked for the next month.

His wife Nahrawan took on the role of styling the babies for the photo sessions.

Within a few years, Barzaq’s studio became a sought-after destination for mothers seeking to capture the earliest moments of their newborns.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Les vaches qui condamnent : Cherchez the Red Heifers’ animal rights "Updated"

First, Chag Sameach

On Sunday, scores of right-wing religiously fanatic Jewish Israelis began to flock to East Jerusalem in preparation for the celebration of Passover bringing with them livestock mostly goats to sacrifice at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Yet this seems normal somehow and it will be not the main event on Monday in East Jerusalem this Passover with all that is happening from escalation in the West Bank as well as ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The red heifers by Night Cafe 

This Passover, the main event that will capture I believe the attention of many in the world is the red heifers and whether an Ulta-right Jewish Institute will sacrifice them at Mount Olive in East Jerusalem ushering the final stage in re-establishing the Third Temple in the same place of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s holiest site.

"Updated: They adjourned it"

If you are lost and don't know what I am talking about, here is a simple explanation.

Following the destruction of the Solomon Temple twice, there are factions of Jews who believe that the Third Temple will be rebuilt again on the Temple Mount after the birth and sacrifice of red heifers or cows on Mount Olive where they were burned to ashes like in ancient times.

Now there is one issue the Temple Mount officially is not empty because it hosts Islam’s third holiest place, Beit Al-Maqdas or Al-Harm Al-Sharif hosts Al-Aqsa Mosque “Third Holiest Mosque” and the Dome of the Rock thus there are right-wing religiously fanatic Jewish groups that want to demolish Al-Harm Al-Sharif.

Among those fanatic current Israeli ministers are Itamar Ben-Gvir, Amihai Eliyahu and Bezalel Smotrich who do not hide this wish and actually are working hard to make that happen eventually regardless of the price the world will pay.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Happy Eid despite all the hardships and war in Gaza and Sudan

Happy Eid El-Fitr to the dear readers of the Egyptian Chronicles around the globe especially those who are observing.

A very special Happy Eid El-Fitr to the people of Gaza, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Despite the death and destruction, Palestinians are endeavouring to celebrate Eid El-Fitr as best they can.

A Palestinian woman with her Eid Kahk
A Palestinian woman with her Eid Kahk aka cookies by 
Majdi Fathi in Deir Al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip April 8, 2024

Women and children have gathered to make Eid cookies or Kahk, which differs from ours, despite being at the Internal Displacement Camps (IDC), using mud ovens like their ancestors did in 1948.

I read that in Palestinian Rafah, where a million and a half Palestinians have taken refuge, there are two hairdressers with queues of women and children since early Tuesday.

I see videos on Instagram of men having their hair cut in makeshift barbershops inside the tents.

Bahr El-Baqar School Bombing Anniversary in Egypt: Echoes in the Time of the Gaza War

Today marks the 54th anniversary of the horrifying Israeli bombing of Bahr El-Baqar school in Egypt’s Sharkia governorate where over 40 people were killed including 30 children and over 40 others were injured in an attack that left its mark in the collective Egyptian mind till now.

On Wednesday 8 April 1970 at 9:20 am, Israeli Air Force F4 Phantom II bombed a single-floor school made of three classrooms and a Land Reclamation Authority workshop with Five bombs and two air-to-ground missiles.

Out of 150 students, 30 were killed right away and over 50 were injured. The attack also killed 11 civilian men who were working in the workshop that was beside the school. 

I wrote about the Bahr El-Baqar massacre on its 50th anniversary but this year the anniversary comes in time of the Gaza war. It hit a cord.

A doctor helping an Egyptian pupil from the injured who suffered from burns
due to the Israeli airstrike at El-Husseina Hospital 
"Bettmann Archives/Getty Images"

It is like the worst rewind for what happened 54 years ago but on a mega-scale. We are seeing children suffering from burns all over their bodies in 4k instead of black and white photos.

This year I saw Al-Ahram archives photos of Bahr El-Baqar school injured children suffering burns in the same position as the Palestinian children 54 years later in Gaza.

Bahr El-Baqar
An injured Egyptian pupil who survived an Israeli airstrike
sleeping  at El-Husseina Hospital 
"Al-Ahram Archives"

They were even put in pairs because El-Husseina Hospital did not have enough beds to meet that catastrophe.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Kodak Agfa Presents: El-Sayeda Zeinab Ramadan Market in time of Economic Crisis in video (Bonus : Ramadan Market in Bab El-Khalk)

We are in the last tenth days of Ramadan and here we are with the video I filmed before the Holy Month would start from El-Sayeda Zeinab Ramadan Market or as Western Muslims prefer to call it “Ramadan Bazaar”. I prefer the word “Souk” or “Market” instead of bazaar.

Now as a bonus content here are a couple of photos of another vibrant and active Ramadan Market I discovered to be honest by accident while I was in the car.

Ramadan Lanterns for sale in Cairo's Bab El-Khalk
Ramadan Lanterns for sale in Cairo's Bab El-Khalk

That market stretched from Bab El-Khalk to the great Cairo’s Bab Zuwaila.

Ramadan Lanterns for sale in Cairo's Bab El-Khalk
Ramadan Lanterns for sale in Cairo's Bab El-Khalk

Friday, March 29, 2024

Watch in Ramadan: “Stern: The Man, the Gang and the State”

So, I am sharing this new documentary released and produced by Al-Jazeera Documentary “Stern: The Man, the Gang and the State”

Directed by Egyptian documentary filmmaker Hossam Serhan, this is a highly and timely documentary about one of the founding fathers of Israel and its army.

The documentary is about Avraham Stern and his Zionist militia “Lehi”.

Lehi and its members above them Stern were officially recognized as terrorists by the British occupation.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Kodak Agfa presents in photos and video: Al-Sayeda Zeinab Ramadan Market 2024 “The Economic Crisis Edition”

“I will shock you, ask me what is the price of this huge red lantern?” The old vendor at Al-Sayeda Zeinab Ramadan Makeshift market told me.

“Shock me” I replied.

ِA scene from El-Sayeda Zeinab Ramadan Market 2024 in Cairo من سوق رمضان فى منطقة السيدة زينب بالقاهرة
That huge big handmade lantern made of cloth is sold for LE 4,000

“It is sold for LE 4,000,” he told me.

This is the price of the largest size of the Egyptian handmade traditional lantern whether made by cloth like the one above or like the traditional glass and tin.

Usually, those sizes are sold to restaurants, companies, embassies and shops as well as exported to other Arab countries.

Ramadan Kareem again

This post is not your usual Ramadan celebratory post celebrating Egypt’s traditional Ramadan lanterns and markets because it comes at a time of economic crisis.

ِA scene from El-Sayeda Zeinab Ramadan Market 2024 in Cairo من سوق رمضان فى منطقة السيدة زينب بالقاهرة
Lanterns sold in front of El-Sayeda Zeinab Mosque in Cairo

Although there has been a ban on imported lanterns since 2015 “I think the ban was older than that” which made the Egyptian traditional lanterns not only survive but also regain their power regionally, the prices of the lanterns went up by 20%-40% compared to the last year.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Ramadan Arabian Nights 2024 : Scheherazade tells you Ramadan Kareem from Egypt and “#CeasefireNow in #Gaza” {Updated}

First, Ramadan Kareem

Second, I cannot post the usual Ramadan 1001 Arabian Audio Nights as I have done in the past years and there are two genocides taken on Egypt’s borders whether in Gaza or in Sudan.

1001 Arabian Audio Nights are another Egyptian entertainment tradition to celebrate the Holy Month, but it is not time to celebrate and entertain when millions of people including Arabs and Muslims are displaced and starving by the worst kind of armies and militias in both nations as the world especially our shameful Arab world is just a spectator.

Ramadan decorations in an Egyptian alley in a Giza working-class area
The Palestinian flag "Muhammed Hamdy"

There is another Egyptian tradition that we have been taught since childhood, do not raise the sound of music or hold any festivities if your neighbour has lost someone and is in mourning. I was taught that lesson personally by my own grandma may Allah bless her soul. 

Two of our closest neighbours are not only mourning but they are also displaced, starved and killed.

We can’t enter the aid and we can’t stop the genocides yet the least thing we can do to them is to lower the TVs and radios. 

This is what I believe and honestly, I have no appetite whatsoever to watch any TV series or gossip show in that TV Ramadan marathon.

FYI: I had hopes for the truce and even prepared something if the truce was made but then Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu does not want a truce or any ceasefire because he knows it is his end for real.

Third, despite there will be no 1001 Arabian Audio Nights this year, there are other important things to share that it is timely. 

For instance: This post shows you how working-class and rural Egypt celebrated Palestine and Gaza during Ramadan.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Watch this: The Arab League slams Israel in front of the ICJ

I do not know how I missed this, but you must watch the official advisory opinion of the League of Arab States “LAS” at the International Court of Justice “ICJ” on Israeli violations in Palestine earlier this month at the Hague.

If you like the official advisory opinion of Egypt then you will be amazed at what international law veteran expert and professor Ralph Wilde said.

LAS is among 52 countries and 3 international organizations the United Nations General Assembly requested from the ICJ their advisory opinion regarding the legal consequences of the Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem in 2022.

Wilde spoke about the right of self-determination and how for over 70 years the Palestinians have not enjoyed it like the rest of the peoples in the world.

This violation of Palestinian self-determination is ongoing, and unresolved. Two key elements are: First, Palestinian people not displaced from the land proclaimed to be of Israel in 1948, and their descendants, have been forced to live as citizens— presently they constitute 17.2 per cent — of a State conceived to be of and for another racial group, under the domination of that group, necessarily treated as second class, because of their race.

Second, Palestinian people displaced from that land, and their descendants, cannot return.

These are serious breaches of the right of self-determination, the prohibitions of racial discrimination and apartheid, and the right of return. They must end, immediately.

Many people were disappointed and shocked that LAS chose a non-Arab to represent it in front of the ICJ but honestly, Ralph Wilde made an argument to remember.

It is not about Arab or non-Arab at this time.

One must admit we did not expect the LAS’ argument would be that strong because LAS is truly a dead useless organization when you think about it.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Gaza War 2023: This is what the real humans of Gaza are saying “International Women’s Day edition”

Today marks International Women’s Day and the world celebrates it superficially under slogans of “empowerment” and “gender equality” while women suffer all over the world in one way or another.

It is not really a “happy International Women’s Day” in Gaza “nor in Sudan or Congo or in Syria too FYI”

The following are facts the world is ignoring actually why it is a sad International Women's Day.

  • At least 9,000 women have been killed, and many more are under the rubble.
  • On average, 63 women are killed in Gaza per day - 37 are mothers who leave their families behind.
  • In North Gaza where there is ongoing famine, 95% of pregnant and breastfeeding women face severe food poverty.
  • Nearly 9 in 10 women find it harder to access food than money.
  • 4 in 5 women indicated that at least one of their family members had to skip meals in the past weeks.
  • 95% of the mothers in North Gaza are going without food.
  • More than 690,000 menstruating women and girls currently have no privacy and limited access to menstrual hygiene supplies.
  • There are approximately 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza who are at risk of malnutrition.
  • Abortion without any medical care follow-up skyrocketed in Gaza by 300%

The source of this info is the UN agencies.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Egyptian Pound March 2024 ‘s devaluation in March: A new level of challenges

This is the first true Egypt-centric post after weeks of covering the Gaza war. “I will continue covering this war, this post is exceptional.”

In case you do not know the Central Bank of Egypt’s Monetary Policy Committee “MPC”, in an extraordinary meeting, decided on Wednesday to increase the deposit and lending rates for overnight and the main operation rate of the Central Bank by 600 basis points, reaching 27.25 %, 28.25 %, and 27.75%, respectively.

Additionally, credit and discount rates were raised by 600 basis points to reach 27.75 %.

As a result of this decision, the Egyptian pound experienced a significant drop on Wednesday, declining by 6.2 % to approximately LE 50.1 against the US dollar and LE 54.5 against the euro.

Following the announcement by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE), the Egyptian government revealed that it had signed an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to extend the current $3 billion loan deal to $8 billion.

According to the officials, these measures “which are actually a main condition to get the IMF loan” are needed to curb the inflation and the foreign currency black market as we used to have two US dollar prices.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Once upon a Valentine in Gaza: Love in the time of genocide

This post was originally intended for Valentine’s Day, as a reminder to a world celebrating love that love also exists in Gaza. 

The idea began as a plan to share a glimpse of Gaza before the war, during Valentine’s Day, when gift shops celebrate the occasion despite the city’s conservative nature and the presence of “Khamas”.

The "Love" heart cushion survives after all in a destroyed house in Gaza by Duaa Tuaima
The "Love" heart cushion survives after all in a destroyed house in Gaza
by Duaa Tuaima 

I then decided to share the pleas of those lovers who lost their significant others in the war.

Last week, photos and videos have emerged of a young couple who married while living in a displacement, offering a glimmer of hope and changing the course of this post yet again.

Palestinian newlywed Shaima Qazeet and Mahmoud Akhiziq inside a Rafah displacement camp by photographer Majdi Fathi
Palestinian newlywed Shaima Qazeet and Mahmoud Akhiziq
inside a Deir Al-Balah displacement camp by photographer Majdi Fathi 

Their names are Mahmoud and Shaima.They were engaged and had already conducted a marriage contract ceremony before October.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Watch : Egypt speaks about the 75 years of collective punishment and forced displacement of Palestinians in front of the ICJ on Israeli violations in Palestine

Watch the official advisory opinion of Egypt at the International Court of Justice “ICJ” on Israeli violations in Palestine on Wednesday at the Hague

Egypt’s statement in the hearing is read by Dr Jasmine Moussa, the legal advisor in the office of Egypt’s Foreign Minister.

Along with the oral argument, Egypt submitted two written memoranda to the court concerning Israel's violations since 1967.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

After 12 Days of Unanswered Pleas, Hind and Her Rescuers Found Dead and Decayed: This is not a Netflix horror thriller; this is the reality in Gaza "Updated"

For nearly 12 agonizing days, many Palestinians, as well as Arabs, have been haunted by a single question: Where is little Hind Ragab? 

Tragically, the answer has surfaced in the most harrowing of ways. Left to perish alongside members of her family, despite her desperate pleas for help, Hind's final moments were marred by fear and abandonment.

Injured and terrified of the encroaching darkness, she cried out for adults to rescue her from the looming threat of Israeli tanks. However, her calls for aid went unanswered, sealing her fate.

 Even the valiant efforts of paramedic rescuers, who tirelessly sought permission from the Israeli Army to evacuate her to safety, ended in tragedy as they too became victims of the Israeli army’s brutality. 

Hind Ragab, a 6-year-old from Gaza, unwittingly became a symbol of yet another appalling war crime perpetrated by the Israeli army, her final hours a grim testament to the atrocities endured by innocent civilians during a complete world silence.

Her mother let her go with her uncle’s family to seek supposed safety after the Israeli army issued a warning on Monday that it would target West Gaza and that Palestinian residents should head to Deir El-Balah.

But there was no safety on their way.

Hind went with her 44-year-old uncle, Bashar Hamada, and his 43-year-old wife, Anam, along with her four cousins, including 15-year-old Layan, 13-year-old Sana, 12-year-old Mohamed, and 4-year-old Sarah.

They were driving a black Kia Picanto, and imagining all those people in this small car made me feel more stressed.

While they were allegedly heading for safety, the Israeli army’s tank opened fire.

Only Layan and Hind survived but were injured.

To get help, bleeding Layan called her uncle Mohamed Salem Hamada, who lives in Germany’s Frankfurt.

From Germany, her uncle Mohamed called the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) in the West to start a saga that would suit a Netflix horror thriller, but unfortunately, it is not fiction. It is real life in Gaza.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Investigate 7 October independently for the sake of the victims on both sides: Not only Zaka’s greed, but also the Israeli government supported lies for sake of genocide in Gaza

On January 31st, Haaretz, an Israeli publication, released an investigative report uncovering how a local ultra-Orthodox Jewish volunteer group exploited the tragedy of the October 7th attack for financial gain.

This group, which led the efforts to collect the bodies of the Israelis killed in the attack, propagated false and horrifying narratives about the events of that day. These fabrications have been used to justify one of the most egregious genocides of the 21st century thus far.

Despite the credibility of Haaretz's findings, which have not been refuted but rather corroborated by other Israeli media outlets, no mainstream Western media organization has deemed it newsworthy to share this information.

The organization in question is Zaka, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish non-governmental organization entrusted with handling unnatural deaths in Israel. Its primary function is to collect bodies, body parts, and blood and ensure their burial according to Jewish religious law.

Following the October 7th attack, Zaka was involved in a poorly executed operation to gather the victims' remains, according to reports from the renowned Israeli leftist newspaper. However, this is merely the surface of the issue.

Yossi Landau

According to Haaretz, Zaka and its head of operations in South Israel, Yossi Landeau as well as Israeli army officials spread unsubstantiated claims of atrocities committed against Israeli citizens, particularly children and the elderly. 

These claims were presented during tours of the affected settlements and reported by foreign media without verification. All those claims were made to gain donations worldwide according to the investigation.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Gaza War: After the Hague, what really happened to Al Nasr Hospital's babies ? Or how a series of war crimes ended up in a tragedy "Graphic"

"Do you want to witness a war crime?" asked a Palestinian man to the young aspiring TV journalist seeking a story with a different humane angle in Northern Gaza during a brief truce in late November between the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and Palestinian militant groups led by Hamas.

"Go to Al-Nasr hospital," the man, walking with his wife, directed Mohammed Baalousha on that morning in late November.

On the morning of November 27, Baalousha who was employed by a newly launched Dubai-based TV channel ventured into the streets of North Gaza. The objective of this daring endeavour was to document the lifeless bodies of Palestinian civilians left in the streets during the truce.

These individuals had been killed by the Israeli army and their remains were left in the open, serving as further evidence of war crimes.

However, nothing could have prepared Baalousha for the sights he was about to witness and capture on his iPhone within the confines of the deserted children’s hospital.

What he filmed on that morning would be among the main examples South Africa would use in its lawsuit in front of the International Justice Court against Israel demanding a cease of military operations in Gaza immediately. "FYI, I started working on this post before the hearings"

Once upon a time, two children's hospitals became one

Situated approximately six kilometres south of the Israeli border in the Al-Nasr neighbourhood, El-Nasr Hospital was established in 1961 and transitioned into a children's hospital in 1973.

Al-Nasr hospital of Gaza in year 1978 during the Israeli occupation  "Ahmed Saad Sharab Archives"
Al-Nasr Hospital of Gaza in the year 1978 during the Israeli occupation 
"Ahmed Saad Sharab Archives" 

In 2019, it became part of the Al-Nasr Medical Complex, including an eye hospital and psychiatric hospital, sharing a block with Al-Rantisi Children's Cancer Hospital. 

Gaza's Nasr-Rantisi Hospital
Zoom in to see the map showing the three hospitals in Gaza
that formed a complete medical complex 

The eye hospital, psychiatric hospital and Al-Rantisi Children's Cancer Hospital were considered the first of their kind in Gaza. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Israel is officially demanded to stop the genocide in Gaza : Spinning the International Court of Justice’s decision

The Israeli officials are doing what they had been doing best besides killing and occupying other people’s territories, they are spinning the truth and once again the Western media spread the Israeli version of the events in a way the Pravda in the Soviet era would be proud of.

The Israeli officials went into Western media in the past 48 hours claiming that the ICJ threw out South Africa's attempts to get an immediate stop to the war and it did not demand Israel to stop its military operation against Hamas.

Actually, what happened is the opposite somehow.

The ICJ rejected the Israeli claim that it was acting in self-defence and that it had no jurisdiction, in this case, accepting the case of South and ordered Israel to take measures to prevent a potentially ongoing genocide.

The ICJ treated with contempt the argument from Israel that the case should be dismissed as it is exercising its right of self-defence. This argument took up over half of Israel’s pleadings. Not only did the court find a plausible case of genocide, the court only mentioned self-defence once in its interim ruling” former UK Ambassador and human rights activist Craig Murray said on his blog on Sunday.

Murray pointed out that unlike most of the EU and the United States, the ICJ did not affirm Israel's right to self-defence. This was only mentioned once in the court's defence, under the pretext that this is what the Israeli government claimed in its defence. 

Furthermore, according to Murray, the ICJ's order delved into far more detail about the evidence of genocide than was necessary.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Remembering #Jan25 : Gaza in the heart of #Tahrir square

I do not feel I have the luxury to write another nostalgic or political post about the #Jan25 Revolution. Aside from the fact I already believe that the real revolution started on 28 January, not 25 January; there is nothing more to be said especially now. I feel angry, frustrated and sad.

In the spirit of the 25 January revolution, I continue to write about Gaza and the ongoing Israeli genocide killing everything living in that open-air prison while the world is still watching and doing nothing for 111 days now. Maybe something will change inshallah.

On this occasion, I would like to share this photo taken on 8 February 2011 at 10 AM by the late Pierre Sioufi’s famous balcony overlooking Tahrir Square during that 18-day sit-in.

"Gaza is in the heart of Egypt" at Cairo's Tahrir Square on 8 February 2011 by Pierre Sioufi
"Gaza is in the heart of Egypt" at Cairo's Tahrir Square
on 8 February 2011 by Pierre Sioufi 

Yes, Gaza is in the heart of Egypt despite all that happened, is happening and will happen.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Gaza War: Israeli Army kills Mohamed El-Dora’s brother in Gaza 23 years later "Graphic"

On Thursday, the news came from Gaza to the world. The Israeli shelling killed Mohamed El-Dora’s brother.

Gamal El-Dora saying farewell to his son Ahmed El-Dora who was killed by Israeli shelling in Al-Buriej camp
Gamal El-Dora said farewell on Friday to his son Ahmed El-Dora who was
killed the day before by Israeli shelling in Al-Buriej camp 

In case you do not know who Mohamed El-Dora was or you forgot who he was here is a short reminder of yet another war crime committed by the world’s most moral army.

In 2000, the Israeli occupation forces opened fire on a civilian man and his son killing the 12-year-old boy despite the pleas of his father at Salah El-Din Street in middle Gaza during the second intifada. 

Gamal and Mohamed El-Dora in Gaza in 2000
The iconic shot that has been etched into Arab memory and 
shaped a whole generation, my generation 

The whole incident which took place for 26 minutes was caught on camera by the AFP photographer and videographer Talal Abu Rahma.

The video turned Mohamed El-Dora, a father of ten children into an iconic martyr symbol of the second intifada as well as the child martyr of Palestine. The scream of his father, Gamal when he knew that his son was killed “The boy is dead” turned the Arab world upside down.

On Thursday, Gamal El-Dora tragically lost another son, Ahmed, who was killed along with 21 others in an Israeli army shelling that targeted the Bureij Refugee Camp.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Gaza Genocide in 100 Days: The world’s epic failure won’t be forgotten or forgiven "Updated"

Sunday marked the 100th day since the start of Israel’s bloodiest war on Gaza. Yes, we are on day 103 but it feels like 102 years for Palestinians in Gaza as well as many Arabs across the world.

Now we have the following numbers that speak alone about what has been achieved so far. These numbers I noticed did not make it to global mainstream media as usual. 

Reports speaking about the Israeli war as one of the most destructive in recent history do not make it to TV despite they are reports made by news agencies like AP.

In Gaza, children carry their baby siblings to the grave

US President Joe Biden issued a statement for this occasion, but it was only about the Israeli captives ignoring the fact that over 23,000 human beings were killed.

I hope the remaining Israeli captives return home safe and survive the Israeli strikes. Still, the matter is beyond them to the level of any sort of justification for this ongoing genocide is immoral and inhumane.

There were 23,843 Palestinians killed in those hundred days. 

That number represents those who reached the hospitals including 10,400 children and 7,100 women.

A little child was killed at one of the hospitals in Gaza on day 100 
by Hamdan Dahdouh

There are 30,843 missing people including those who are still under the rubble.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Gaza War 2023: This is what the real humans of Gaza say /are saying/said "Vol.2: This is what the Palestinian Children want in the new year/Christmas"

This post was intended to be published on the first day of the year, but with the numerous events unfolding in Gaza, Sudan, and Egypt, it became challenging to maintain the schedule.

The Palestinian children have been paying the price of this war more than once.

Palestinian displaced children in Gaza
Displaced Palestinian children at a displaced refugees camp 
in Gaza's Deir El-Balah by Majdi Fathi on Saturday 

According to the latest reports, the death toll in Gaza stands at 22,430 people, which includes 9,730 children and 6,830 women.

This count does not include at least 7,000 missing individuals.

Additionally, more than 57,600 people have been reported injured.

According to UNICEF, over 9,000 children have suffered injuries in the Gaza Strip.

 It also added that in just one week starting December 17, the number of diarrhea cases in children under five years of age surged from 48,000 to 71,000.

This equates to an alarming 3,200 new cases per day. The rapid escalation in such a short period strongly suggests a swift deterioration of child health in the Gaza Strip.

Local estimates indicate that nearly 1,000 Palestinian children underwent limb amputations without anaesthesia or painkillers. 

Two Palestinians, including a boy with amputated legs, are at Shahuda Al-Aqsa Hospital
Two Palestinians, including a boy with amputated legs, are at Shahuda Al-Aqsa Hospital, as documented in November by award-winning photographer Majdi Fathi

Every ten minutes a child is killed and more than 10 children lose one or both of their legs in Gaza.

I had to share with you those facts at first.

So what do the children in Gaza wish for in the new year/Christmas? Spoiler: It's not much but it seems hard to achieve now.

Here is a Happy New Year message from Gaza by Lama Jamous, the youngest war correspondent in Palestine.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Merry Christmas: Orthodox Edition from Gaza’s Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church

Merry Christmas to all those Celebrating Christmas on 7 January eve around the world above them in Egypt and a very Merry Christmas to the Christians celebrating it in Gaza and the Armenian quarter in East Jerusalem.

You might not be aware, but the Saint Porphyrios Orthodox Church in Gaza recently held a Christmas mass. The service was attended by the remaining Palestinian Christians who could participate, sending a powerful message of resilience.

The third oldest Church in the world still stands high in the old Gaza district mostly destroyed by the Israeli shelling.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Gaza War : South Africa stands with Palestinians in Gaza dragging Israel to the Hague “Everything you need to know and not to know too”

South Africa has made history by being the first country to bring Israel, a state often criticized for disregarding numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions, to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). 

The case is about the ongoing genocide in Gaza and it is going to kick off next week inshallah.

On Wednesday the ICJ announced that it will hold public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measure submitted by South Africa in the African country’s case vs. Israel on 11 and 12 January.

South Africa has filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide concerning Palestinians in Gaza.

As per a statement from the South African Presidency, the government decided in a special meeting on 8 December to approach the ICJ, also known as The Hague, to seek an order directing Israel to abstain from any actions that could be classified as genocide or a related crime under the aforementioned Convention.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year Dear f****** world from Gaza and Sudan as well as Syria

Happy New Year 2024

I am angry and frustrated.

I find myself feeling angry and frustrated because I’ve come to realize that this world once again does not really care for us truly as Arabs and Mideasterners as well as Muslims.

A baby survived an Israeli shelling in Gaza by Belal Khaled
A baby survived an Israeli shelling in Gaza by Belal Khaled 

What has been happening for over 85 days did not only change me, it changed all of us. Generations of Arabs and Muslims especially young ones who still had hope in this world, were let down.