Sherien Reda : The Revolution Youth coalition rules Egypt now !!!!!!!
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These are the rulers of Egypt now !! |
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These are the rulers of Egypt now !! |
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In 1986 with her dad |
Ok boys and girls here is our last night with Ramadan Arabian nights 2011 , our last night with Prince Amber and Princess Sukar as well.
If you forget what happened in our tale last time then you can refresh your memory by going back and check out the last episodes.
Here is the 6th part of our tale , tale of Prince Amber and princess Sukar.
Amber reaches out to the new world to find another kingdom with another king. King Sharshamon of that new world kingdom also is amazed with that man beyond the sea and decides to hear his story. Impressed by his education and eloquence , Sharshamon decides to appoint Amber as his right hand minister despite Amber wants to find a way back to his land and to his beloved Sukar.
The king also remembers his son , the crown prince who also disappeared in the sea and sees him in Amber.
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The 1432 Higir year :) |
I will not apologize but seriously it was out of my hand especially with all these updates and news from Egypt , Libya and Syria. Already I do not think that Scheherazade would not be able to make her king awake all night to hear her tales when his kingdom’s neighbor kingdoms face revolutions like Egypt, Libya and Syria.
Now you missed 3 nights from Prince Amber and Princess Sukar , here they are and they are full of events and lessons. First to be in the loop , you should check the previous nights.
The 3rd night from “Prince Amber and princess Sukar”
Amber and Sukar were taught by the vizier till princess Sukar became a young lady and her father though she was educated enough. As expected Sukar and Amber became lovers and Amber got an amazing gift , he plays the flute wonderfully to the level that he speaks in “flute language” that only his father , the Vizier understands. Now the king’s cousin , king Mansour sent him a message : His kingdom is under attack from “The terror people” who got no home , everybody hates them and were welcomed in his kingdom "The honey kingdom” as guests , now the guests are causing trouble. “Sounds familiar !?”. Amber forms some commandos unit called “The knights of the night” {Stupidest name ever but it is better in Arabic}.
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The Mosque after the attack |
Have you noticed lately how much attention is currently being given to Dr. Ali El Salmi , the current deputy Prime minister for democratic transition issues in the media ?
The news of El Salmi and his activities have actually highlighted more than the news and activities of PM Essam Sharaf in the mainstream media lately in the past 3 weeks to the level I wonder if El Salmi is being prepared to become the next PM.
PM Essam Sharaf’s health is not that good and judging from the cabinet’s reshuffle , the new governors and the last fiasco the Egyptian government’s statement from Sinai “The final official Egyptian stand from Sinai has not been announced yet”, Sharaf is not in control of the show. The show is in the hands of SCAF. Sooner or later he will have to leave especially that he is losing more and more of his popularity.I think that El Salmi is being groomed to become the next PM of Egypt after Sharaf.
منتظرة اقتراحاتكم لهتاف الليلة و شكولاته لأفضل يافظة مستنية كل حبايبي في مسجد الرفاعي بعد صلاة العشاءless than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® Favorite
Bothaina Kamel
مصر كلها حكاية حب. بنحب بعض في الله وفيها ربنا يسعدكم كلكم ويوعدكم بتحقيق كل احلامكم قادر يا كريم ويهيء لنا من امرنا رشدا.مليون الف شكر.less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® Favorite
ashraf el-baroudi
All Egypt is a love story , we love each other for God sake , may God give you all happiness and fulfill your dreams. May God guide us and million thousands thanks.Of course Egypt is a love story , a big one full of hope especially after the revolution.
The Egyptian initiative for personal rights “EIPR” Human rights organization released yesterday a very important short documentary yesterday “Martyrs behind bars”
“Martyrs behind bars” is a 15 minutes documentary about the crimes committed by the security authorities against the inmates in specific 5 prisoners. These prisons are “Tora” prison , “The appeal” prison in Cairo, “El Kata” prison in Giza, “Shabeen El Kom” in Monufia and “Al Baadaiya” in Damnhur starting from Janaury . These prisons did not witness mass escape case but rather mass autocracies. The documentary got English subtitles so you can watch and share world wide.
The documentary includes clips from inside the prisons themselves taken by the inmates' cellphones including footage during the revolution itself when you can hear the gun shots , you can also footage for the injured inmates who did not received any medical treatment at all , you can see also the sheriff of some prison with his men in one of the clips. You can see the testimony of the inmates on how police general Mohamed El Batran killed by the authorities when he tried to save them and refused to open the prison by the orders of El Adly.
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Someone has a crush on Condi "AP" |
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Aisha's mermaid sofa "AP" |
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Ali Ferzat in the hospital "3aayef" |
Here is the second part of Prince Amber and Princess Sukar tale.
Ok there are missing parts here but there is no problem.
Now the King of Nahan kingdom and his Vizier had to enter that gate in nowhere to find their way according to that strange small creature they found in the endless desert. Both men entered that gate to find themselves in another world “as if it were a star gate” . That world was like a big forest in front of them where they found a strange scene : a deer chased by two snakes. As two true knights the men killed the snakes and saved the deer who unsurprisingly turned to be a Jinn princess and these snakes were from the evil Jinn that wanted to capture here. It turns out of course that the strange creature that led them to the gate was a Jinn himself and he led them to the gate in order to save her. The princess will not forget how they saved her and tells to return back through the gate as he will lead them to the right way back home.
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Bab Al Azaziyah |
Good evening boys and girls , here is a new tale Scheherazade will enchant us with : The tale of Prince Amber and Princess Sukar.
Now our tale starts with philosophical discussion between Scheherazade and Shahryar about wars and humans , the king who used to kill his wives every night is against wars yet her wise wife believes that some wars are needed so good wins evil and her proof is the tale of prince Amber and princess Sukar.
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Kamal Shennawi |
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The hackers message in the unknown website |
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Mohamed Qaddafi |
Ok boys and girls, we finish our tale, the tale of Princess Badr Al Budur and the Sultan of gypsies.
First, you can refresh your memory with last night's episode.
Shahyer and Sheherzade from Dalziel's Illustrated Arabian Nights' Entertainments |
Here is the last night with Princess Badr Al Budur, today we finish her adventure.
It is the night when the gypsies will convert Princess Badr El Budur through strange rituals. The gypsies sultan Dumdum invited their demon patron Jinn that refuses to come because he is engaged in some war and thus the gypsies are not that powerful.
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The Egyptian embassy in Tel Aviv "Reuters" |
Breakfast time |
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By Jonathan Rashad |
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Queen Farida in one of her exhitibions with Mr. Max In the middle "Circa 1970s" |
Israel never apologizes when it comes to its mistakes and crimes committed against other countries like Turkey and Egypt , it is a rule we but it seems that this rule will change.
Israeli minister of defense Ehud Barak announced from while ago that Israel is sorry over the Egyptian policemen deaths during clashes according to AP while Haaretz says that he said that Israel regrets the death of the policemen by Israeli fires. Other sources say that Barak expressed his sorrow over the death of the policemen in Egypt. Wording plays a critical role here.
Of course translation here plays a critical role , there is difference between “Israel is sorry” and ‘He is sorry” or “Israel is sorry” and “Israel apologizes” not to mention “Israel regrets”.
Netanyahu is going to address the matter in a speech according to press leaks.
We need something to cheer us up and so I recommend that you enjoy this episode from Last Talk with Mohamed Mohsen last Thursday night.
I love the voice of this young man , it is a gift from God. I love how he covers the old Tarab Arabic style. Just enjoy it.
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The statement before it became a draft By Zeinab Samir | front page |
Dear friends, we continue our late tonight, the tale of Princess Badr Al Budur and her big adventure.
First, you can refresh your memory with last night's episode.
Shahyer and Sheherzade from Dalziel's Illustrated Arabian Nights' Entertainments |
We are back to Princess Badr Al Budur’s father, King Gasoor and his court. Now he learned a very important lesson: If your enemies depend on something strong, that thing will not last for long. Luqman the wise had a plan.
Ok boys and girls, a new date with an episode from Egypt's finest radio production "One Thousand and One Night."
First, you can refresh your memory with last night’s
Shahyer and Sheherzade from Dalziel's Illustrated Arabian Nights' Entertainments |
Second, here is the 10th night with Princess Badar Al Budur or rather Princess Nasin tale.
As you may remember Prince Ramesh El Ain was on his way to save princess Nasin from marrying the evil demon Shabt using the sword of king Samandal. I forgot to tell you that King Samandal’s seal got a very interesting feature: Invisibility.
The huffington post front page yesterday |
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By Asa Winstanley |