Khader's graffiti over that ugly wall "Activestills.org" |
Khader Adnan is a Palestinian man from Jenin, he is currently a prisoner with no charges what so ever in Israel according to something called
“Administrative detention” . Objecting his arrest for no specific reason Adnan started a hunger strike on December 17th ,2011 that he has not ended till this moment.
Adnan has entered his 65th day in the hunger strike , he is currently hospitalized to the Zif medical center in
Safad as his health is deteriorating rapidly. Of course we know as medical fact he can’t go on his hunger strike for more than 70 days.
The administrative detention in Israel allows Israelis to hold Palestinian prisoners without charging them, and potentially indefinitely. There are allegedly 300 Palestinian detainees in the administrative detention system in Israel You read
more about it here .
Several human rights organizations from Palestine as well abroad are supporting his cause and are demanding his release. Already according to the fact his health is deteriorating he is no longer considered a real danger to the State of Israel for God sake.
The Israeli high court has scheduled a hearing regarding Adnan’s case next February 23rd ,2012 , I do not know if the man will make it already or not.
Khader's wife Randa with his two beautiful daughters |
Khader Adnan is a graduate of economics , he is married to a lady called Randa , he is a father of two girls and another baby in the way. He works as a baker at a Pita Shop in
Qabatiya near his home in Jenin. The only thing that makes him a potential danger to Israel the fact that he is a political activist and a member in the non military branch of Islamic Jihad.
Despite his association to Islamic Jihad , Adnan has not been accused of anything up till this moment officially and he has not even stood in front of a judge to know his guilt.
Randa , his pregnant was allowed to see him last week in the hospital and she has described him as a week caveman handcuffed to the bed beaten and mistreated !!
On the 56th day of his hunger strike , Adnan wrote this in a letter to the world
The Israeli occupation has gone to extremes against our people, especially prisoners. I have been humiliated, beaten, and harassed by interrogators for no reason, and thus I swore to God I would fight the policy of administrative detention to which I and hundreds of my fellow prisoners fell prey
Adnan reported that he was mistreated , insulted and even beaten by the IDF soldiers for refusing to eat his meals.
Randa Adnan is asking the help of the Egyptian people and I think we can help her and her husband a lot if we want.
I hope that Khader Adnan gets international attention like Maikel Nabil , of course my hopes are high and can be dreamy but I have still got faith in this world. Khader Adnan should get support from all of us otherwise we will be hypocrite. “
We are actually and strangely we are exposed in the first test”
Anyhow there are active twitter Hashtags dedicated to Adnan and his cause :
#KhaderAdnan and
#KhaderExists . Amensty International got
this petition for his release , despite I do not believe in Online petitions anymore I think trials are good; at least we show the Israeli government that we do care.
Technorati Tags:
Khader Adnan,
Human rights,
Hunger Strike,
Adminstrative prison,