Friday, December 30, 2005
What do you expect from the Egyptian anti-riots forces ? " about the refugees issue"
Many people are very angry and Kafya decided to hold a demonstration and the interior ministry is defending itself about the murder of those 20
First I believe that the government and before the society should have found a solution for this problem before it reached to that , it is from September
second to those who are amazed for the cruelty and brutally of Egyptian Anti-riots ,guys you seemed to have bad memory since when the Egyptian Anti-riots forces were nice ,kind and treat people right !?
for God Sake they already killed and injured thousands of Egyptians throughout out the years since they were established by the Nasseric orders in the second half of the 60s , they don't care for their follow Egyptians their brothers and sisters so you expect them to care for their African relatives !!??
don't be amazed , it is something expected .
anyway UNCR or what ever its name got a big part of responsibility too ,the 20 Sudanese's blood is in their throat along with the security forces
No more refugees in Mustafa Mahmoud Square
Strange it was , Very poor refugees live in a camp that they made by their own selves ,very primitive ,in the middle of small garden , in the square of Mustafa Mahmoud , where the Middle High class live
My family didn't like this scene , and got some Turkish roots "Great grandfather" that made some of my family members some how racists in the eyes of the others , they just didn't like the scene "The war is over in Sudan ,the North and South made a peace treaty so what go back home we got enough problem ,it is not healthy !!"
For me I had a mixed feelings
- They should go back home as it is the right place ,it is where they should be .
- But how come and there is war and ..There is Egyptian provbe "What makes eat the bitter food ?The more bitter one" sorry for wrong translation but this is what mind can reach ,I don't work in Anis Abid translation center.
- They lost hope and that's why the refugees feel far away from home and even I understand they don't want to stay in Egypt
- They think that the UN and the refugees committee and Angelina Jolie will come with Brad Bitt to save them but their hopes make them blind on how this cruel world works !!
It is frustrating thing to lose hope and home together ,but it is in the hands of the humans ,I don't how I can express it but I don't leave my home because of some war and seek refugee in another place and when the war is over I refuse to go back because then who will build my home again ?
in the end the Egyptian Security forces used its ol' methods ,no more civilized Mr.Security forces , By force they transferred the refugees to some where I guess in 6th October "it is too damn cold there" and 10 refugees were killed in the clashes ,I forgot to say several babies were born dead in the unofficial Mustafa Mahmoud refugee camp
Question : Where is Mr.Ambassdor Adel Emam for Refugees from all this agony ?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
The Man and the Woman of Year 2005
Well this is unofficial list made by my own perspective, not the governmental one, as the governmental one includes since the Year 1982 the president and the First Lady.
I will start by the Woman of the Year as ladies are first and I am biased to my gender.
The Woman of Year 2005 in Egypt is not one person but two:
- Councilor Noha El-Zeny, who exposed the cheating in the results of the Parliament for the NDP's Candidate Mustafa El-Faky.
- The women journalists and all other ladies who were harassed in front of the Journalism Syndication.
- Ex-Minster Aziz Sadky "for leading the movement of democratic change and his strong reasonable daring political opinions".
- El-Bardai , for winning another Noble prize and more important he didn't say "I dedicate this to the president"
- The Men of Kafya: George Isaac, Abdel Halim Kandil and Mohamed Abd Kodoos.
- The Judges club for their Stand.
- General Omar Soliman, No one can deny that this year this enigmatic personality won a lot of admiration on the national and international level.
- Ayman Nour, despite I am not from his fan club but he made and achieved something.
2005 polls results
They were three
1.Do you think Iran is danger on world's peace ? results are Yes: 25%-16 votes
May be:11%-7 votes
No : 63%- 40 vote
This poll is still on as I want to speak about it , first new year item list -to -be blogged
2.Do you think that The makers of Life Organizaion of AMR Khaled can have an effective successful role in the political Life one day? Yes :50%-8 votes
May be: 13%- 2 Votes
No:38%- 6 Votes
1.What do you think about my blog? results were Excellent :44%- 15 votes
Good: 26% -9 Votes
terrible : 12%- 4 Votes
No opinion :12%-4 Votes
Poor:6%-2 Votes
Now thanks to all those participated in these polls and really I am so happy that you did it ,for now I freeze all the poll and I make a new one about the personality of the year 2005 in Egypt "thanks for my dear friend Egyptian -in-USA as it was his idea"
I am WLM beta tester now
I became a beta tester for the New Windows Live Messenger a.k.a ex: MSN Messenger 8
I got an invitation and now I participated in the feed back
man I am so happy
when I receieve WLM invitations I keep some for you my visitors:)
Ahh ya Bald Vol.2 !!!!!!2006 Eve Parties in Cario
Yet in last November I received a very stupid email , spam one
An invitation for the 2005/2006 new year eve , in what is called "May Be baby" at Mohendessin ,I live there and I don't know where 's the hell is that place
The event is "NEW YEAR’S EVE EXTRAVAGANZA " with Two DJs from abroad Dave Seaman and John Askew "who are those gentlemen?"
Now for the tickets
You can reserve in advance "I remind I received that spam in November" with 1000 Egyptian Pounds per ticket
or you are lazy and you will wait till the Eve and go and with 2000 Egyptian pounds per ticket to be paid on the door!!!
Is it me or is there something wrong in this country !?
Ah ya Bald !!!
Monday, December 26, 2005
one of them are ours "NY times article"
It is something from Chirstmas Time
It is something from NY times
read this my only comment ,
No comment other than that
NY Times
The predictions of 2006
Okay folks we are saying bye bye to 2005, one hell of a year on the international, national and even on my private levels. And as usual the astrologists around the world began to say their predictions and their presumed prophecies for the coming year 2006.
You know they see that they got the power whether they comminute with dead one, or the demons or the Jins or they just look to the water and read what is hidden in the future, oops I forgot their primary method the Crystal ball, I always wanted one when I was a little kid.
The usual general predictions that are every year are:
- Many Earthquakes and nature disasters will hit the earth "it is usual thing as it is result of pollution."
- a very important Arabic personality will die " another usual thing as most Arabic personalities and rulers are from the over the70s category, yet the lives are by the behind of God"
- A very important western personality will die." It is what we call a random probability where everyone got a chance.
He predicted the following:
- A very very very important Arabic personality will die; I will not say the name because it is dangerous to say it.
- Abd Aziz Botaflika will die " guys already the death of the Algerian president is something many people are predicting as he was hospitalized in France for a long period for some undeclared reason , the only logic reason is that he is suffering from Cancer and he may be cured or may be not and they just sent back home to make the legacy ready for those who will come after him, so you don't need to be astrologer and see the future to have this thought!!"
- Cheney and Abu Mazan will die!! the death toll is getting bigger more and more
- Another Arabic regime will fall down; come on everyone knows that the Syrian Baath regimes with its brother in Iraq.
What is unique he didn't say his predictions for Tunisia other than it will be stronger and richer under the control of Ali Zien Al-abdeen!!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
The free woman does n't eat from her breast
It is the free woman doesn't eat from her breast
what does it mean ?
it means that the free lady doesn't earn earn her living or live from showing off her breast or her body
Where it came from ?
well its origin cam from the fact that only slave girls were used to show off their sexy bodies and stood semi-naked in the slave market
Why I am saying this ?
well I remember it when I read about Wafaa bin laden ,the Osama bin laden's niece ,who will appear in a sexy semi-naked photos for GQ Magazine for men in the next issue of January 2006 worldwide!!
Wafaa is half saudi, her mom is a swiss ,who suddenly knew she was married to a radical muslim from Saudia Arabia and she must escape with her daughters and keep attacking the Islam "well she knew one good damn thing that she was married to very rich guy ", I once saw her in Tv Show in TV 5 France while the problem of Veil was in its rage
Wafaa wants to be a singer and celeb ,she thinks that she is pretty and sexy while in reality if you look close to her ,you will find Bin Laden's trade mark of big mouth .
She hate her Saudi roots and doesn't speak arabic and surely she is not a muslim , despite the fact she won't get a penny from her dad's big fortune if she is not a muslim according to the Islamic inheritance laws in Saudia Arabia
She is the arabian version of Paris Hilton
You think Wafaa is a free woman !!
No She is a slave
a Slave of her desires to become a celeb and famous ,just like the other slaves of fame like Paris Hilton in the West World ,Haifa and Co in our beloved middle East
and last not least the pictures of Wafaa

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Governmental Santa present to Ayman Nour
The present is 5 years in Jail
read the rest from the MSNBC & Ap coverage "already today I found the news in MYmsn in the first page ,in place I don't remember Mubarak took it !!!"
MSNNBC Coverage
Allah Akbar over all unjust rules and judges in Egypt !!!!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Sharon's Banquet
Mr. Ariel Sharon was sick in the last couple of days as you know; he was suffering from a stroke in his brain. But what you didn't know that the Israeli prime minister ate too much before feeling sick and was hospitalized for three days.
Those were what he ate:
- Limb ribs "Yummy I love them so much"
- Kabab "interesting to know that in Israel there is Kabab also like in Egypt."
- Meat Stick with Sauce "didn't know if it is half cooked or what"
- Chocolate dessert
- Oriental dessert
Anyway I won't deny but many people surround me wished that he would die from this stroke yet I didn't not because I believe in Peace but because I believe he deserves another death , a death that suites a war criminal like him .
Consider this as you like, I consider this the least we can do, just praying and hoping for the sake of our P.O.W in 1967, for their honorable blood
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The minorities report :2 The bedouin tribes of the west desert
-The Bedouin tribes of West desert 'The forgotten'
First do you know them?
-I am speaking about the Bedouin tribes that live in the west desert starting from Matrouh to Siwa, to the Libyan –Egyptian borders to the many unknown oasis in the vast hard desert.
You only can know them either of three ways: you visit Matrouh and know the place, you watch Reda Folklore dances or you read the Crimes pages.
To tell you the truth I don't have much information about how they live, whether it is good or bad, except from the official media and the governor's statement Mr. general something saying that the government and he served the people of Matrouh and Siwa in the best way and that "very important historical truth" the tribal council or the tribes of Matrouh and Siwa supports the president Mubarak and the NDP and the first lady of Egypt orders helped to improve the Bedouin women's life.
Of course the tribes there got a member in NDP wearing their distinguish custom that looks like the Libyan custom and this NDP member is their member in the Parliament just like in Sinai.
And that's why I feel that those Ethnic groups suffer as the rest of the Egyptian do.
Many of them work in Smuggling whether goods or even drug trafficking, it is not about their perceived Bedouin nature, the gulf area already consists of Bedouin ethnic tribes but they made nations and countries , it is about what the government made from them , did it help them ? I doubt already it didn't give much to the Valley people to help the desert people.
I am sorry it helped them but it did in its way "just like Frank Sinatra".
Example: the Egyptian army and the Egyptian national geographic society " yes we have one from very long time since the 19th century but no one care" reached to the smallest village or oasis in population from couple of years, most of its people can't write or read and there is no communication medium in the Oasis, nothing at all, it was lost in time, President Mubarak then decided to send a present for them
TV Satellite so they can watch the world, after all the world became a small village!!!
The Muslim brotherhood phobia
Oh my goodness, if you are Egyptian who lives in Egypt and watch the official media channels from TV, radio and Newspapers you will understand what I am going to say and in fact you will have an idea about what I am going to speak about.
Since the first phase of Elections and the government is making anti-MB campaign and unfortunately the left wing in Egypt joined it fiercely, it started with Slogan of MB "The Islam is the solution" which means that the religion Islam got all the solutions for our problems" ironically there is nothing in the Egyptian constitution against according to the supreme court as the second chapter in the constitution is saying "the Islamic shiira "laws and teachings " that the source of legalization.
Fierce war that ended by historical victory to the MB in the first phase and historical defeat to NDP "corrected by cheating" and left wing.
The war didn't stop the phobia continued and even more fiercely, on all official channels Abd Allah Kamal, the chief editor of Rosa elyousef reading a whole chapters from Hassan El-Bana, the founder of the group attacking it so much by trying to prove that they are terrorists and they will make from Egypt another Iran.
Wilad Hanna disappointed me by saying that he would leave and that the Egyptian Christians would do the same if the MB reached to the rule, and then this week I read a statement for Hanna saying he won't leave Egypt if the MB has the rule.
All these and those statements are just Stupid silly talk.
I am not defending the MB as I also don't like or approve their ideas but why don't give them a chance?
Guys' entering the Egyptian Parliament doesn't mean ruling Egypt, plus it is the people choice, Democracy says we have to respect the People choice.
Anyway I like what the DOSTOR Newspaper and its opinions about the MB whether or against and I like more what Ibrahim Eissa said in his articles.
Why we scared from the MB?
As long as we act according the constitution even the corrupted one we have, there is nothing to fear of.
And to those who fear from the scenarios of Iran or Algeria, Egypt is not Iran or Algeria, and also why don't you look to the Scenario of Turkey?
It is ruled by the Islamist party of Ardogan yet in this islamist cabinet Turkey has a good opportunity to join the EU, also It acts according to the Turkish Constitution which is against the Islam, in fact last week I read that Ardogan fired two army officers because their wives wore the veil, despite the fact Ardogan's wife and daughter are wearing the veil
By the way the stupid people in NDP think by attacking the MB, people will hate it, and they don't release that people are becoming more attached to the MB just like Ayman Nour
Also I like the 1/2 word Ahmed Rageb wrote in his daily column in Al-Ahkber about the NDP hiring the PR specialists from the MB to teach them how to win in the elections by showing them the tactics and so on
After long lectures the man asked them what you learned.
The NDPs say: Islam is the Solution
Sunday, December 18, 2005
One point for the president-Al Brashi program
Did you see his program today on Dream TV 2?
It was about a taboo nobody wanted to speak about in any of the official media, the disappearance of the Christian girls in Egypt, the pressure paper Abdir and Co. used in the World to see how oppressed the Christians in Egypt are.
The Episode was great and I am sure that will get the episode sooner or later
Gamal Assad was there "Many Copts hate him but really I feel that he is moderate"
Another man I don't remember his name well it is Gabriel Naguib I guess on the opposite side that supports the Claims of abductions and the Islamification of those girls!!!
The other two guests were young man and a woman from the families of those girls. The young is the brother of a Christian girl who suddenly disappeared then after awhile she called and informed her family that she converted to Islam by her own well.
The Woman was the mother of two young girls "15, 16 years old" who disappeared from two years and till now they were not found.
Some stupid claims from the Abdir&Co. say that there is an Islamic movement in Egypt led by an enigmatic personality called Mohamed Awni "I know two Mohamed Awni" and this movement kidnaps the girls and sends them to some place in Aswan in the south of Egypt and there She must convert to Islam if she wants to live, oh there is also another wicked way to make them Muslim by force, the love weapon, to fool the young Christian girls to convert them to Muslims.
The talk of this kind with little clues and of course they say that the Security supports these operations as if the security forces are so religious
I am sorry but I don't believe this talk, in fact I once listened to Christian researcher who was also on the Al-Abrashi show and I remember it was the episode that introduced the Coptic convention to the majority of Egyptian People , in this episode I remember the researcher said that he investigate all the cases that he was informed by ,the cases of disappearance and it turned out that all of them are cases of girls who run away with some boy and after she returned back to her home and of course to avoid the anger of any Egyptian family she claims that she was kidnapped by some Muslims who wanted her to convert to Islam by force and so on. For me folks I don't use in this way, well Muslim girls also disappear everyday and no one says there is a Christian group kidnapped them to convert them to Christianity, there are rapists, thieves and people who kill just to steal small golden earnings ,all these are in the streets
The First rule of Islam "No ENFORCEMENT IN RELIGION "-Soraa El-Baqra-"the second Soraa in Quran and this is from the Korsi versus, important versus in Islam".
Another thing the Islam doesn't need another girl to be powerful same thing in Christianity it doesn't another person to make it powerful.
Now the mother of two girls I feel that she is losing hope yet she tries to believe that her two daughters were kidnapped by Muslims to convert them to Islam as a last straw of hope not realizing how danger is this accusation with no logic ,her only clue is that the same time her daughters were disappeared ,two young Muslim boys from her description two losers one of them got the nickname of Sakran "drunk in Arabic" and both of them can't read or write and so poor that they don't own their dinner meal price
And as if Mr.Al-Abrashi was reading my mind, he asked her " how a disrespectful personality like Mr. Sakran would something like kidnapping a girl to enforce her to convert to Islam?! He must be stubborn first I guess , I am not kidding in fact I feel sympathy with the mother condition ,two years of nothing and then this talk of kidnapping and Islamification
Already I feel that the two girls were killed and buried in some field in Mansoura and time will tell and the ones who killed them are the two losers, why they would kill them? Well for their gold of course, the mother said they were wearing their golden accessories when they went to School.
Anyway the fault is the fault of the lazy Police forces, instead of spoiling the elections they should see those cases.
Those cases are being used by disrespectful man like Morris Sadak, this rude person who called For Mr. Ariel Sharon help to save the Copts in Egypt, and when Assad told him that Sharon is a Slyer, this man who calls himself a devoted Egyptian said to him " Don't call him a slyer, you can be judge for this insult, you are insulting him"
Mr.Sadak The man you want to rescue the Christians of Egypt , Killed both Muslims and Christians of Egypt and the tombs of P.O.W in Sinai will remind you if you forget , Mr. Sharon didn't kill Muslims only , didn't drink from Muslim blood only but he killed and drunk of the Egyptian Christian blood
I am sorry to all Christians abroad but I don't respect this man and this man will make you look like as traitors not only to Egyptians but to the souls of the Martyrs of Egypt and to those who were killed by the Orders of Ariel Sharon in Palestine and in Lebanon
Anyway the big surprise came after the show Guess who called Wael Al-Abrashi on the Phone?
The president Himself Mohamed Hosni Mubarak "it turned out that he watches Dream TV beside the Egyptian Television" and he told that he was touched by the mother and so he gave his order to the ministry of Interior and its minister of course to investigate in the Case
A bombshell, I really like it, this drama must end
At the end it is big score for Wael, one point for the president and Zero plus red card to Morris
I want to talk more as I was following the Copts United Issue and Michael Monuir and changes in attitudes and so on but I am busy now I got an exam in the end of this week "I am keeping myself busy till I find a job in this country"
Friday, December 16, 2005
I need an WLM invitation now !!
well people I enrolled in the beta testers program for Microsoft for the MSN /WLM programs especially the IM program
Now I was so happy when I received that E-mail from MS telling me that I will be testing very soon the New Windows Live services ,I was so so excitied especial when I knew that many many people in the world received the E-Mail.
But then I found out that after the E-mails invitation for WL Mailbeta were sent to the testers and I got nothing until the application will be translated to the Arabic
That's a thing
what makes now mad is that WLM IM got their invitations and also invitations for their families and friends to test the new IM and of course we won't get those in Middle East "same complain from Israel" until it is tranlsated and that's will be near the end of the release :(
I won't be made or sad but I know some Egyptian dear Friend got the invitations for both programs and I don't know why I didn't have one despite I am an official beta tester ,my friend who sent over dozen million invitations yet I receive non lives in Egypt too !!!
anyway some beta testers are sending their invitations in internet forums and you have to be an active member not a silent one like me "Boy I hardly keep this blog running "
MS I want invitations for both WLM IM and WL Mail beta ,it isn't fair ,I don't use Arabic in WLM IM at all :(
I want a WLM invitation now !!
The Hindu Anger "Don't give hate a chance"

The problematic Stamp, see the woman and the man with the Hindu Marking and in front of them is baby Jesus!!

The Hindu Commnuity is so angry and furious and this anger was for two reason ,the first problem was over yet they were surprised to find some new offense
The first one ,the first offense was a terrible mistake made by the British Royal Mail ,already it is used to issue new stamps for Chirstmas every YearThis year the 2005/2005 Chirstmas is about the Madonna "Virgin Mary" and Baby Jesus around the world ,that is the Art works that were created around the world in different parts that portray The Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus according to the folkore arts and percetions of the different countries
Now with intenion or Non-Intenion the Royal Mail chose an art work from the two centuries or something from India portays an indian woman with a red point on her forehead holding baby Jesus and
behind her another Indian man with also a red point on his forehead
Here it is beginning of the post
The Hindus turned very angry because the red point on the forehead is Hindu Marking as for the man is called
'tilak' marking identifying him as a Vaishnava Hindu and the woman has the traditional 'kumkum' mark on her forehead identifying her as a married Hindu lady
So here comes a stamp portays the indian couple worshiping baby Jesus as It is said in the Hindu Forum of England
They got mad and angry and after negotations with the Royal Mail they reached that the Royal mail is not going to re-print any stamps of it and the stamp "the current printed "won't be available to the public except in post offices with specail orders "for example to the stamp collectors like me and my mom ,we are mad about stamps and we got an excellent collection"
To me to say the truth I was shocked because I thought for the first time that the Indian Lady with KumKum marking is the Virgin Mary ,in fact till now my Mom is convinced by that and I know that the KumKum is for married woman and there is a guy behind her with another marking yes it turned to have a different meaning but I was surprised and till now I don't know if this lady was the Madonna or not , as if the Madonna was portayed to this Lady than this will be a great insult for the Virgin Mary "I don't mean any offense to the Hindus but there are lots of rubbish talk nowadays saying that Virgin Mary is not a virgin May God forgive me after all we consider her from the great lady of heaven",so this rubbish makes me angry as a Muslim
Anyway the Stamp is in history now we will go to Russia and From Russia with Hate to Karshina
The Archbishop of the Orthodox Church there Archbishop Nikon Called Karshina "one of the Hindu many gods and in fact his one of their main gods " an evil demon, the personified power of hell opposing God”, and “a livid lascivious youth” and asked the mayor of Moscow to ban the construction of a hindu temple in the Ex-red City as otherwise an idolatrous disgrace erected for the glory of wicked and malicious ‘god’ Krishna”.
“Construction of the temple to Krishna offends our religious feelings and insults the thousand-year religious culture of Russia,” Interfax quoted Archbishop Nikon as saying.
By the way the Prime Minster of India will visit Russia soon to meet with Putin
Well I don't know but is it me or is it the people of the world become more radical and more offensive towards others who don't share us the same views and religions
As a muslim I have to respect other religions from the Quranic persecptive "You got your own religion and I got mine "
For Hindism well , I must say I have a dream to visit India with my camera to the south to the Hindu complex temples there and keep taking photos, their Style and colors are mervollus
Yesterday I downloaded for the first time in My life a song for Jamiroquai "I like its beat" it is called Don't give hate a chance
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Sad day for freedom in Lebanon and Arab World
It is sad day for freedom in Lebanese and Arabic jounralism.
It is sad day for all those who believe in freedom,democracy and equity
Today the famous Lebanese journalist Gobran Tuonei was killed in massive blast in Beirut ,the beauty and fashion capital seems to become the death and blasts capital .
Terrible images on Channels like Future TV ,LBC TV and Al-Jazeera , it shocked me and shocked all those who were watching TV today.
Gobran Tuonei for me was an example of the handsome,intelligent and successful man ,I consider him more diplomatic than many Lebanese leaders , he got many good relations especially with the Egyptian officials "yes I opposed many of Egypt's internal policies but I am with the external policies", so it is shocking really shocking.
Gobran is the son of a very famous journalist Ghasan Tuonei and comes from a very famous family in the Journalism industry in Lebanon and he owns the El-Nahr newspaper , got four girls and his uncle is Marwan Hamada , the famous opposition leader and if you are following the Lebanese issue ,you will know that Marwan Hamada was saved by a miracle from an assassination attempt ,in fact it was the first in series of bombings in Beirut followed directly with the terrible assassination of El-Harriri and ended by Tuonei.
Tuonei is the second journalist from El-Nahr to be killed in a blast , few months ago Samir Safir the famous journalist there and the husband of one of top 10 best female tv-presenter in the world according to New York Times Gizelle Khouri, ended his life in Similar way.
Also He is the third from the media to be a victim of bombing as after Samir Safir ,there was the LBC TV presenter Mai Shadik
Tuoni won the parliament elections this year as member for the Orthodox chair in Beirut "Sorry if I am mistaken" and he was from the leaders of the independence movement in Lebanon ,the movement that inspired many people in the Arab world including me .
He was against the Syrian existence in Lebanon after the retreat of Israel from the South and he had all the right in this opposition , and that 's why Syrian regime is on the accusation list "the problem is that the Syrian regime did many crimes that makes it impossible to believe that it didn't have any relation after all the blood of millions of Syrians and Lebaneses is curse on it"
I think the one who really did it is the president Email Lahoud ,as from few weeks Tuoni attacked him so fiercely in the Parliament,and called for his accountability .
I think Lahoud is behind it directly not Syria , Syria I am sorry to use this word is in deep Shit ,already the second international investigation report came out and oh boy it is very bad position 5 Syrians are involved
It is not wise thing to Kill Touni if I were in a Syrian regime place
Already I felt that Touni is from the moderated opponent compared to some one like General Oan or Samir Ga3ag
anyway the bombing game in Lebanon reached to the number 15 , 15 bombing and assassination !!
To all my Lebanese friends I share your grief and sadness ,consider me one of you today ...:(
Saturday, December 10, 2005

200 years on Mohamed Ali Basha rule to Egypt
Yes Mohamed Ali Basha was chosen by the Egyptian people to rule them in 1805 in the summer, I didn't celebrate or talk about it then because I was busy talking about the frustrating present in Egypt.
Mohamed Ali Basha my dear visitors is the founder of Modern Egypt , this Albanian who could n't read or write made a great nation that invaded the Middle East and became a threat to the world powers then England and France , this Albanian did in 30 years what the Egyptians rulers in 50 years failed in.
Mohamed Ali Basha was chosen by the Egyptian people themselves in incredible incident that shows despite at that time Egyptians didn't have the enough political culture or enough education yet they made the right decision.
The Basha was a great man despite that he made what now can be looked at as crimes as the Massacre of Mamlukes at the Citadel but come on if he didn't do such violent act ,he wouldn't have security nor stability in the country , a security and stability that paved for him the way to the country he wanted.
Kidnapped the kids so that they will be sent to Europe to be educated? Well this kidnapping process gave birth to Egypt great pioneers...
Mohamed Ali Basha proved to have a long view in politics that fascinates me till now
Do you know that he refused the project of Suez Canal, saying that it will bring problems to Egypt and it did since its digging!?
It is also said but I am not sure of this historical fact happened in his era or Ishmael Basha era, that some European rich Jews wanted to rent Sinai and he refused whether it was him or it was his grand son Khedive Ismail or Ishmael by Hebrew.
Do you know why Mohamed Ali's great achievements really happened?
Next time inshallah, it is never too late to celebrate 200th anniversary of Mohamed Ali's Rule to Egypt.
By the way I didn't write about the occasion at its time because it makes me sad and even cry when I compare the conditions of Egypt now and then.
It was then better zillion times than now L

Thursday, December 8, 2005
Alexander the great or Alexander the gay ?
Sorry to be specific in the description was he really bisexual person?
Since the 70s of the last century and there are claims that were turned as historical facts that the great young leader who invaded the world was a gay and he preferred men over women and the rest of this talk you can find in Oliver Stone's Alexander movie!!
Greeks refuse these claims and if you remember when Alexander the movie was released and even they sued Stone for spreading these claims.
Anyway I was watching today a documentary in Discovery channel in Showtime Arabia, this documentary was Battle ground: Ancient wars, it was about the famous historical war between the Persian army and Alexander the great army.
That ancient war is not only historical but legendary 45 thousand Greek solider in front of 1/2 million Persian solider in Persia "Iran now" and yet Alexander made a miracle and won.
The tactics used in the war are great, the plan, the whole design of the Greek army, also the personality and intelligence of Alexander as a commander, an excellent documentary.
This documentary made me think a lot about the claims about Alexander's sexuality is he or is he not?
I felt from the documentary that he is straight man; the kind of a commander to achieve this victory must be a man on all levels if you understand what I am saying.
Also I remember I saw another documentary on Discovery civilization called lost civilizations: Persia and I remember them saying that Alexander warned his officers and soldiers from imitating the Persian lifestyle as it is homosexual life style no suitable for a man, as Alexander who came from Harsh country compared to Persia finds the Persians were not men enough as they had so comfortable lifestyle, this is recorded in historical records ,as you see Homosexuality was something bad from his point of view ,something he warned his officers and soldiers from , so how come he became a gay!?
Another thing and this historical proof, according to the Egyptian Egyptologists and historians and also Greek literature and history professors there is no single Greek record or document saying that he was a gay.
Also it was well known that he had many wives and the most famous one of them was Roxanna
So what is the story?
It started in the Novel "The Persian slave or boy" as I read some where from sometime after that Alexander the great joined Leonardo Da Vinci in the ancient gay club!!
I don't believe that for one good reason, historians always change history as they are humans; already the western Historians portrayed Cleopatra as whore who stole roman men from their wives while she was an intelligent woman who worked very hard to preserve the independence and dignity of her own country!!
This reminds me with stupid claims by some western historians I saw it on either the National geographic channel "Asia" or on the history channel saying that Akhenaton, the famous pharaoh and the first person in Egypt to call for One God, was a gay!!!!
Despite all the historical proofs that he was a straight man who adored both his wife and his mistress "he had one who gave birth to son!!"
What about you folks? Do you think that Alexander was gay?
wa 3ad ElNahr

An Egyptian Woman on the floor becuase of the Crying gas bombs thrown by the Anti-riots forces

this image is Courtsey of
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
El-intifida in 2005 elections!!
The death toll reached in to 4 persons in the elections , this session or phase three were killed added to the 20 years old young man who was killed in this second phase of the elections in Alexandria :(
This time not the thugs but those who let the thugs out ,the police forces and the central security forces "the anti-riots forces"
I watched a scene in the Al-Jazeera news of course not on the national TV ,on Egyptian TV everything is fine ,rosey and under the control
back to the scene
with no introduction or description , it is scene you can see it in the Palestinian intifida , Israeli soldiers opening their fires and Palestinians throwing stones at them
now change the Israeli forces with the Egyptian anti riots forces and the Palestinians with Egyptian electors
Just like the war !!
The government and interior ministry as usual put the blame on the Muslim brotherhood and the banned group put the blame on the government
I as an Egyptian Citizen put the blame on the government and the interior ministry which really I wish to see its minister resigns.
Guys who got guns and soldiers ? Who prevented the electors from voting ?
The Muslim brothers and sisters or the government and behind the NDP !!!!
It is disgusting and disgrace
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Stupid practical Joke
It was as if we were on Thursday ,no one knows the reason
I thought may be because some V.I.P jerk visiting some place in the area " I was stuck in this traffic jam "
and now I know why
Some jerk seems to me a student who hates his school ,called the Egyptian police to inform them that there is a bomb in the Deutsche School in Dokki !!!
already the Deutsche school is in a busy part of town "for those who know the map of Dokki and Giza will understand what I mean"
it turned out there is no bomb or any terrorist act except some stupid phone call from some loser.
Stupid practical joke :(
I changed the Computer Heart
I didn't know why that happened really at first but I began to use my mind , and I found out there was something wrong with the power supply and I was right.
An Excellent computer nerd told me that it was the power supply box , the computer's heart and that I must change the heart immediately with a new one with more watts
So only yesterday I bought a new heart and my computer had a litte operation and here we are back in business :)
Saturday, December 3, 2005
no updates
Sorry folks there will be no update for this blog for awhile as i have serious problem in pc,already this post is from my mobile phone:(
Thursday, December 1, 2005
The minorities report in Egypt
There are other minorities than the Copts "Orthodox Christian Egyptian" that don't have its rights completely
In fact if we compare their conditions with the Copts conditions, we will find that Copts are much more fortunate than them
What are these minorities?
- The Bedouin Arab tribes of Sinai
- The Bedouin tribes of the West desert
- The Nubian people
- The Bedouin Arab tribes of Sinai , already they stood beside the Egyptian people to get back our land yet we repaid the debut in the worst way especially the security forces which since the first Taba blasts began a mass operation of Oppression against them started in Arish on the Egyptian –Palestinian borders , mass arresting operations to Women and Children ,and of course with harassments to the women ,reports of human rights organizations said it is harassments from both kinds "Physical " and "sexual", people we are considered from the urban parts yet we don't accept such behavior and feel so angry just like what happened over the Journalists syndication from few months , so can you imagine what are the feelings of the Arab Bedouins tribes towards the security forces especially the honor for such tribes is a big thing and they don't forget , Taba blast was just the beginning of the hell the tribes of Sinai would see later after the Sharm El-Sheikh blast on the last 22nd of July 2005 , Let's just say the truth that till this moment the Egyptian don't have a clear idea about what really happened in Sharm .
Anyway what happened from mistreatment to the Bedouins in Sinai there was a disgrace, torture, mass arresting to ladies and children, harassment and that's really enough to make the people of Sinai just hate those bloody people who come from Valley of the Nile.
If you go to Sinai and see the life of those people, you will sure feel with some suffering.
After all they turned in to some human exhibition to the tourists there , I am sorry but as Egyptian I don't like this and then we come with our security phobia to turn their in to hell "boy the Israelis were better"
Before the elections, the 10o' program on Dream 2 discussed this issue with people from there and it was tragedy and of course the NDP member spoke of how Sinai whether North and South turned in to heaven in the last 20 years!!!!! "Tourist heaven may be!!"
No one denies that Sinai and some Bedouin tribes turned in to smuggling and drug trafficking but why?
Simply because the government didn't give them any help to improve their living. Yes they plant drugs and hush in the land that supposed to be plant wheat and corn but did the government give them a real help to spread the wheat farms instead of the hush farms in the vales of Sinai.
The government was thankful to make the Al-Salaam Lake and the Nile river water reached Sinai but it is not enough , the red tapes and high price of the land are constraints to anyone who just thinking to work in cultivation there .
If you think more and more in this issue, you will find that it isn't the Egyptian people mistake at all, we are not racists heaven forbids but it is the regime and the government's fault that don't care about the people as it should be.
The unemployment in the younger generation of Bedouins in Sinai is the main reason they turned in to crime and terrorism, also the lack of education.
Really how many schools are there?
And how many students there enrolled in the education process?
Many questions with no or even embarrassing shocking answers
Lack in education, lack in medical care, and lack in, lack in …….etc
The people of Sinai, are just like the rest of Egyptian people don't ask much, just a little respect and good life
I guess these demands are very modest and after all they are Egyptian people and live under the Egyptian flag.
Imagine this scene a young Bedouin kid doesn't go to school, live in poverty and ignorance, suddenly he sees his mom being dragged out of there house in the most humiliated way by an Egyptian police officer from her hair because some one said to be from the Bedouin "not so sure also" bombed himself in a hotel beside a vip residence, and those bad terrorists are from the Bedouins and they escaped somewhere in Sinai, and they are not related to the family of the kid near or far!!
This kid rose upon the values of Honor and so, do you expect that he will be loyal to the flag and the regime and the country? After all he is mom was humiliated under the name of protecting the nation!!
By the way many people now in Egypt speak about these terrible acts against those poor civilians especially Soot El-Omaa newspaper made reports about what happened there for many issues and no one cared from the government to deny these accusations
The Egyptian government and security are losing as usual minds and hearts in Sinai, Losing allies that they depended upon a lot in the time of the war and I am afraid that the Israeli forces hadn't done in six years what the Egyptian police did in few months!!
The Egyptian police says that by this way it fights and eliminates terrorism but really by this way it spread hate, anger that can be turned to violence and no loyalty to the country
Monday, November 28, 2005
Bravo Noha
For those who don't know Councilor Noha, she is an honest lady who confessed and announced her innocence from the results of the Parliament elections in Bahira where she is supervised the elections, as in Bahira there were two candidates Gamal Hashmat ,the Muslim brotherhood candidate , who is very popular in the area and won the elections several times, Gamal's opponent in the elections there is Mustafa El-Faky , the National democratic party candidate "NDP" a very respected politician " was respectable but now no he is not respectable at all" who used to work in the foreign affairs and as counselor to president Mubarak for foreign affairs for years. El-Faky wanted to buy votes by any possible way as Hashmat is very popular and so it was not surprisingly that the bribes method was used to try to influence the electors to vote for him, yet it was surprisingly and sad that a man like El-faky distributed Meat meals as bribe as it was told and said in the media!!!
Yet time of choice came ,and people all chose Gamal Hashmat and the result at night was announced in the national Television and all Arabic news channels like Al-Jazeera that Hashmat won and El-Faky lost , the difference between them was huge , a number like 25,000 votes difference .
But suddenly in the morning the results were changed for the sake of El-Faky "The same scenario of Amal Othman in Dokki and Agouza area in the first phase of the elections", Rumors sayings till now that President Mubarak himself interfered in the manipulating the results !!!!!
All people in Egypt are sure of the cheat that happened in Bahira yet no one can speak because there was no evidence yet Councilor Noha, in Damnhor revealed the truth in El-Masri El-Yom "unfortunately I didn't buy this edition" yet it is published in El-osboo3 today and announced that she is innocent from this result in front of God and the nation, this really is impressive, it is so great and I am so proud of her, May God Bless her
Ironically El-Faky is saying there are some judges who got some Muslim brotherhood relations!!!!!!!!
People we need more from Noha's Kind and we need less and even Zero of the justice minister in Egypt Abu Lil
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Thugs again and again
Do you know Indiana Jones movie series !? Did you see the last movie of this series produced 1984 , Indiana Jones and the temple of Dome !? If you did ,you probably know what is thugee even in silly way
Well you can check Wikipedia its meaning ,I will talk about it later , do it yourself and explore the hidden world of Thuggee
Second I will continue talking about thugs again
My dear visitors Mohammed and Egyptian -in -USA commented in my last post two comments made me think so much , despite some think they are different yet I guess they are related to each other
I think Mohamed's emphasis that we " as society"don't care about the poor working class that got voting power , he is right we don't have as Egyptian Arabic Society, we think that it is government duty despite the fact that the government and the regime don't care about the society and don't give damn about the Educated Middle or working lower class , only the very high class that the NDP, the government and the regime belong to they care about.
Egyptian-In-USA's emphasis was why we don't talk with thugs or even pay to them more than the NDP to make them understand that what they are doing is wrong !!!!!
Now listen to my emphasis , we as society don't care about the poor class and as of the results of this carelessness the thugs appeared , I am not saying that we are the reason but I am saying that we didn't try really to understand and solve this problems, guys from two decades we didn't have such thing in Egypt whether in Nasser Era or Sadaat Era, may God bless their souls
Also as a society 's fault that no one tried to speak to those thugs especially in the time of the elections ,showing them it is wrong , not just it is wrong that they support the NDP and they are its dirty hand that keeps hitting on the poor people , but it is wrong to use the language of the violence by this way whether in elections or non elections time .
It is issue of belonging and patriotism people ,I am not kidding ,I am talking very serious
Patriotism and belonging is not about loving the country and its flag , listening to Akid fi Misr and Ya Agla 7aga fi wogod but also it is caring and working for having a better future for me and my kids in my country in a respectful way that makes me feel respected with a dignity .
as a society we speak a lot of Patriotism but we aren't that patriot enough ,after making the streets dirty and spitting on the streets make the country look ugly and us as uncivilized people
It is deep issue the one about belonging nowadays
But really do the thugs have this sense of patriotism and belonging !?
May be , may be not
now I am writing all what is in my mind from my thoughts without no arrangement or even logic in some parts
If we talk with thugs like Egyptian -in-USA said , would they listen? ,I don't agree on paying more than NDP because if then there will no trust , no belonging , the only belonging will be for the pound and can even reach to the dollar sign only
If we talk ,will they listen ?? Will they put their swords and knives down??
You know one of my impossible dreams is that one day near the election season , a NDP man goes to a thug and thug refuses the devil's offer not because NDP wants to hire him but because it is unethical to do so , to spoil the chance where the people can choose those who really care from them , and he won't do it for money even if he is so hungry ,even the NDP man threats him with the police ..... Impossible dream right!?
Friday, November 25, 2005
Khalty Faransa rules
She is Faransa

She is a lady-thug, a profession that is usually practiced by the low classes, who didn't have enough education and rather got criminal background, and as I said before, she doesn't talk, she acts immediately, and her voice is both the slung tongue and her powerful hand.
Okay enough of this silly talk.
The entire world spoke about the violence that occurred in the Phase Two of the Parliament elections 2005 in Egypt, already 3 people were killed ,hundreds were injured and people are frightened , surely you had seen some news report of course not on the Egyptian National Television but on al-Jazeera and others real news channel , and you saw the strange battles between the thugs " It is the first time I know this word in English , I learned it from the Dostor Newspaper this week," and the electors from a side and the other candidates parties and groups .
Who hired them? well lets see the whole scene, those groups come male and female, all with criminal records, go and threat electors and prevent them from voting, hit the other candidates and followers especially the banned Muslim Brotherhood, and all under the eye and ear of the police and security forces and even under their protection ……Well it is not Ramadan Riddle but I fear that NDP began to lose its temper.
In the second phase I was terrified to know see that scene in Al-Jazeera which they kept repeating it in their news in the day of the elections, where a man, a thug throwing a desk over a group of ladies who were going to vote in one of the School to frighten them and make them go away and so the cheating can be done peacefully in the Committee. I won't talk much about why NDP use these Dirty methods or how we could prevent it; I will speak about Faransa ……
Khalety Faransa "Aunty Faransa" was a block buster comedy that was presented last year in Egypt starring Egypt 's leading actresses whom I love them so much Abla Kamal "This lady deserves an OSCAR " and Mona Zaki. The movie is written by Balal Fadel, the famous sarcastic writer in Dostor newspaper "I read his page all of it every Wednesday especially "Alamain", the movie is a comedy a bout the life of two ladies thugs who only live on quarrels and how the society look to them and how the younger lady, Faransa's Niece "Zaki" wants a better future for her and her little Sister whom she fears her from this dark life, Light comedy many people didn't like because of the Slang language used and even some said how come a civilized country like Egypt produced such movie and the women's repetition…..Bla bla bla. After watching this movie and after watching what happened in the last elections' phase I believe that this reality movie more than a comedy, Fadel put the Poison in the honey as we say in Egypt.
There is a master scene in Khalety Faransa in My opinion which will explain why I made this relation between Faransa and the elections.
The Scene is like this:
- Faransa and her niece are arrested by the police after some quarrel and already they could go to jail yet the police officer will make a devil deal for them , already there is in the room , a devil invoice , a man from the ruling party "Didn't say that he is from the NDP but anyone can understand that" , the officer said that they will be set free if they do a favor for the government, and here the devil invoice completes the deal: "Haja " used to describe the person who comes back from pilgrim from Mecca in a way of respect in Arabic language " Faransa , there is a bad man that is standing against us in the elections and we are wondering if you and your quarreling-trouble making- thaugs ladies can stop him" Batta , the rebel niece of Faransa asks "why you consider him bad ?"the officer answers "Shut up " yet the devil invoice says "because he spoils young men and girls ,this is for Egypt's sake"
- In the elections, we found out that the bad guy is a professor in the faculty of Political science and he is an opponent of the NDP candidate ,and the candidate is supported by Faransa's love a drug dealer and her brother in law who works in prostitution and so Bata while hitting a college girl has this little chat with her aunt " How come this man is good while a drug dealer walks beside him ?" and her aunt of course because she adores the drug dealer ignores this fact but she is in wonder how come this dirty brother in law walks beside the NDP candidate , and then Batta and her hands pulling the hair of the college girl began to ask her if she was a bad girl who wanted to spoil the people "the same words in Arabic " , and who is this evil man and so on and the moment the truth is revealed Bata says to Faransa " we are deceived " , in less than a second Faransa led the quarrel to the other side and the scene ended with Abd Halim voice's chanting " Ya ya Baldy " " oh my country ".

Did you see the relation? The truth in the movie those two quarreling ladies are kinder than in the real life, Balal Fadel already is considered a writer from the opposition and so I guess what wrote is what he is wishing to happen to the NDP.
The thugs ladies and men are usually highly profiled criminals with so much hate to the society, with crimes from prostitution to drug dealing to become hit men some times , coming from very low classes with failure in study that cause them to hate and desicpe the educated class or anyone who has some certain level of Knowledge, they exist in every society in the world, the mixture of poverty with ignorance, criminal intention and hate so much hate, they hate this society as they believe it is the fault of this society that made them such unacceptable personalities , partially there is some truth but being poor and uneducated is not an excuse of being a criminal , they can sell their own livers from money , their kids , anything for money , they are for rent , to be used in Quarrels that can even reach to become a hit men as I said before " in Alexandria , an opponent candidate to NDP was being stabbed but fortunately he lived. Knives, Swiss knives, hydorlic acids, sticks and even swords are their weapons not to mention their other weapons from making Chaos and sexually harassing women are other destructive weapons they used.
As it was mentioned in the movie and in real life and as I said before they sell themselves to anyone for money even the devil, even to the government to the police and security forces, after all the government can send them to jail, in this year the NDP used them a lot, so much, in the famous riot in the Journalism Syndication where the ladies journalists were being harassed and in the elections especially the second phase last week, the winds of change!!!!!!!!
I don't know if I should feel pity over those thugs as social class or hate them, or what!?
I see that disgusting scene and remember it, the one where this criminal throwing desk over the ladies and I got angry, then I remember the young man who was killed in Alexandria in the Quarrel, this young man is younger than me only 20 years old and ironically he was just walking in that damn street, and he didn't elect or even has an election id, just walking by in Peace to become the martyr of the war of democracy and I become very sad.
The police and the thugs became the language the NDP and the government use to back up its power in Egypt, not the army and military rule, no we are fooling ourselves if we say that the army rules us as in Nasser days, we ruled by the NDP whose members didn't join the army, most them even escaped from mandatory service of the army as they got a flat foot!!!!!! We ruled under a military law, yes I know but I ask you where the army is now?
The police issue is very deep yet the thaugs and the quarrel and trouble makers make me think so much, as they belong to the low class, the class that got a really voting power in the elections, the low class that the labors, the peasants and farmers belong to, the low class which sell their votes to get money and even sell their votes to get a meal, just one meal for one hour and after that they will go back to their hunger.
In these elections 2005 billions were spent to buy votes , the minister of inhibition gave the people in his area flats and home appliances so they vote for him , Mustafa El-faky who was declared a loser at night ,yet in morning he was winner distributed meals of liver "very low cost meal "!!!
I once asked a professor in University about India, How it became the biggest democracy in the world, The U.S doesn't have this title, India with its large population most of them are under the poverty line, ignorance, sickness and illiteracy, How come !?
He answered me saying that Politicians there go to people and explain to them in very simple way the importance of their voting power and how it can change their lives either from hell to heaven or heaven to hell, it is their own choice but this is in India, already a country with Democracy and constitution and Parliament not like in Egypt yet the idea here that political culture or the voting culture as they keep saying in TV day and night.
Yet question here why in India there is no thugs and Quarrel and trouble makers with all those parties and so on? And why they exist in Egypt? Simply because in India there is democracy while in Egypt there is no democracy, there is dictatorship.
The end from Khalety Faransa Movie:
Batta while knowing the truth from the College "Tell me gal who sent you? Who is this bad guy? You want to spoil the university youth."
The college girl "No one sent me , I am here to support my professor and he is good guy , he wants to be a Parliament member so he can help in making a better future for youth and making you stop hitting people ."
Batta Stopped pulling the girl's hair "So you are not a bad girl"
"If I am bad girl, you too are a bad girl"
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The Customs of the signs and changes
I will speak about some strange things now happening in Syria, the Custom of signs and Changes
Before I continue, I just want to say that I love Syria so much that I consider it the North Part of Egypt and Egypt is the south Part of Syria, yes I still live in this faraway dream of The United Arab Republic
Without any sophisticated introduction, I saw something very strange couple of Weeks, a press conference held by the Syrian Government after the investigation committee report was presented to United Nations.
The new change I saw and I guess many others who are similar with the Baath regime in Syria saw it and were surprised just like me is the Spokeswoman speaking on behalf of the Syrian regime is wearing a veil !!!!!!!!
A Syrian official veiled lady!!!!!!
You may not see some significant in this, so what they are Muslims in the End, well this what you say if you are not similar with what was going in Syria in the last thirty years
In few words, the Baath Party declared a war on Sunnis in Syria since El-Assad took the rule, already most of Baath party are Alowy Shiia, a minority compared to the Sunni percentage, yet The Syrian Baath is not so Shiia devoted ,it is more than a communist party and that's why it had a good relation with Ex: U.S.S.R.
For decades this regime declared a war to erase any religious existence in Syria and before any Baath supporter ask me where did I get this information , well I got it from many Syrian friends Sunnis and Christians who came to Egypt to escape from that dictatorship .
My grandmother's friend is married to a Syrian man, since 30 years she had told my grandmother how the veil was taken off the Syrian ladies heads while they are walking down the streets by the Baath agents and supporters, this story is confirmed by many Syrian people I met in Egypt.
The Crimes of this regime against the Muslim Sunni are terrible, and in fact they are war crime, the Amoy Mosque Massacre, tanks attacking prayers on Friday, Hamma's Massacre, 20,000 Sunni Muslims were killed by raids made by the Air Forces in 1971, I wonder where those Air Forces were in 1973?!
Did u get the picture now? Why I consider this as radical change?
Already the Veil returned back to Syria again after the Death of the father Assad friend of mine visited Syria last year in summer, told me that you can barely see a girl without veil in Sunni parts of Syria
Yet to find an official in a regime that fought Islam for long time with Veil this is a new thing, a new tone
Already I was surprised to find Basher says in his long speech in Damascus University "I won't bow to any one, I won't let the Syrian People bow to anyone, Syria doesn't bow to anyone Except God " …………Really Radical change, I mean I heard that his own dad was taught how to pray when he got the rule so people can accept him.
Also look to the report showing the Speech reaction in Syrian Street shot by Syrian TV, outside the University Hall with speakers all around and then the camera turned to show us and the world couple of Muslim Sheikhs listening to the speech and a veiled lady seemed to be Baath supporter leading a demonstration against the United States
Do you see what I see?
Well it is a human nature to go back to religion in hard times
And Syria and Syrian regime specifically a real Hard time now.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Bush wanted to Bomb al-jazeera

The freedom fighter and human rights watcher in the World Mr. G.W.Bush wanted to bomb Al-jazeera Headquater in Doha, Qatar Yet thank Goodness Tony Blair saved the day .
Read the rest of the news of today from The which exposed the whole thing.
What kind of idiot is Bush ?
You know this is consider Dictatorship , as you don't want the other to speak or even open his mouth
Some old news yet new for Some : No MSN Messenger any more it will be WLM

This is a bit of old news but there is no harm to post it here in my Egyptian Chronicles .
Without sophisicated introductions
Microsoft the software giant will present to the world soon a new version from its popular IM program , a new version of MSN Messenger
Well till now there is no thing so unique ,so what every now and then MS updates its IM as it is not alone in the Market ,there is Yahoo IM ,there is Aim/Icq "Yes Aol bought Icq and the servers were transferred from Tel Aviv from long time"
what it is unique or what will make the new version unique are some nice interesting features:
- The name won't be MSN Messenger anymore, it will be Windows Live Messenger.
- New great GUI ,similar to one in the coming Windows Vista.
- Pc Calling but it will be for Money not like Skype " I don't know for sure."
- File Sharing just like in P2P programs
- Many more great features
How I know all these ,well I was from the early people who tried and installed the leaked pre-beta version from MS labs , it is on the loose on the Internet ,yet you have to use a patch to make it work on your PC and your Hotmail/MSN accounts why?
Well MS made a very nice trick, stricking the pre-beta version on its beta testers only with their accounts ,but Thank God for the patches
I use the patch made by talented Lebanese Hacker Mario in , it is great , yet there are other patches available in the web
You can find all about it in this great site which faces now a horrible problem that MSN will be Windows Live : MESS with Messenger
You can see the screencapture from long time from my PC ,me talking to the Undertaker !!!!!!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
For the first time in Her long history
Another defeat to the NDP and Another victory to the patient Egyptian People regardless who won there instead of her, I guess the Muslim brotherhood candidate.
Fadia Kamal is the example of how rotten, Corrupted and Hypocrite are the Egyptian politicians working under the umbrella of the regime party.
Since the 60s and Fadia was in the Assembly till the last period from few months, more than 30 years, three different presidents, with different policies and directions,
She said Yes and Supported Nasser's communist centralized rule.
She Said Yes and Supported Sadaat's open doors capitalistic rule.
She said and still says and support Mubarak's "The father and son" capitalistic and I don't what how categorized this current era.
She was a member in "The Socialist union" then "Egypt Party" and last "The new National Democratic Party".
Like the Lizard changing its color, Nasser attacks the west and she agrees, Sadaat come closer to the West and she agrees, do you understand what I am trying to say !?
And She is not alone by the way, another one shares her same Qualities Mr.Kamal El-Shazely " If you are Egyptian, no need to tell you who is he everyone knows the Moon! If you are not Egyptian, well Mr. Shazely is another rotten hypocrite Example, since the 60s and he is a member in every ruling Party till he reached the ministry of Parliament affairs and he considered from the Old Guards in NDP that Mr.Gamal wants to get rid of.
We won't have a real democratic society, a healthy one with freedom of expression, a society that works for its own interest, except when we get rid of those example for good in other bad words to get rid of this Shit, yes it is shit to be hypocrite.
One step toward to this Society is to ban those hypocrites from representing the Egyptian people in the Assembly as you don't work for people interest but for their own interests, we came closer to it this elections , guys don't lost hope ,it is great achievement we reached this time ,yes Shazely still in his place ,but Fadia is out
Another step is to punish all those Hypocrites; we must punish them to put end for them as they will change their colors to be freedom and democracy supporters
Sometimes I wish that Mohamed Ali, the great founder of Egypt May God bless his soul comes back and punish all those Hypocrites by a Massacre like the one he did in the Citadel with the Mamlukes , a bloody solution I know but Our lives turned in to a bloody one thanks to those Hypocrites
Anywayone goes, Hundreds stay yet the thousand Mile Road begins with one Step.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
28 years on the Sadaat Historical visit to Israel "Peace upon You"

Today the 19th of November 2005 is the 28th anniversary of the Historical Visit of the Late President Mohammed Anwar El-Sadaat of Egypt to Israel , the historical visit that changed the Course of history
Despite all what is said about the Visit and despite I didn't live it , but I am proud of it , I am proud of it because went there and his head high , and those who say that Egyptian people were angry from the visit are changing some reality because people were not totally shocked .
Did you listen to Sadaat Speech in the Israeli assembly "Knesset"?
Did you see how much pride and dignity he spoke there ?
Did you listen carefully to each word in the speech ?
This speech is one of the best speeches in the Arab world in the 20th century .It was written either by Moses Sabri or Ahmad Baheldin " the two famous writers"
People I don't know why many Arabs hate Sadaat and curse him day and night ,despite the fact late Kings like Hassan of Morocco and Hussein got strong relations with Israel even before Camp David, The secret negotiations between Egypt and Israel was in Morocco , and King Hussein informed Israel as soon as he knew by the date of the Yom El-Kippor war yet they didn't believe him " Israeli documents"
Till now those two Arabic figures got a respect they don't deserve while the man who had enough courage not to fool his people got curses
Guys we went there ,and victory in our side , already we took the crossings of Sinai ,so all Sinai is under our Control ,yet Sadaat wanted to take back the Egyptian land so he Chose the peace and I guess by this way he put Israel in situation it never was before , all civilized world won't look to it as it used to , if the peace was rejected
Another thing I agree with what late Sadaat once described it in one of his speeches in the Egyptian assembly after the attack on Egypt by the Arab countries led by Iraq and Saddam Hussein " This is rudeness , dirty act, and alt Haia "Egyptian will know it"
One of the reasons I hate Saddam Hussein that after this visit he began to hunt the Egyptians down in Iraq and Kill them , a relative of mine a professor in University ran away with his family to get the hell from mad Saddam " This is my answer Bill on your Question "
in the end I say that this small visit to Israel with a big step for Peace and pride in Middle East
Peace upon You
Farewell Hussein El-Shafi
May God bless his soul
Now only two members are left Zachary Mohi El-Din and Khaled Mohi El-Din
Despite that I didn't like Hussein El-Shafi much , for his opinions about El-Sadaat and his days as Judge for the revolution courts , many innocent people were punished unjustly in this court as I was told and his biased memories of the revolution and the 60s "all was good and great under Nasser rule."
Yet I respected the man ,may be because of his old age ,may be because I found out that my family from Grandmother side is related to his family in distant relativeness
And because I respected the man that there was a bloody question came back again to my mind after I heard the news in the national TV " Why He "Hussein El-shafi" wasn't honored like Zechariah Mohi El-Din in the celebration of the Jubilee of the revolution in 2002?"
Mobarak honored Zechariah with a medal and also Khaled ,yet El-Shafi was ignored totally
was it because El-Safy attacked El-Sadaat ,well Khaled Mohi El-Din doesn't respect late Sadaat either
It was bad act as usual from the Egyptian regime.
I wonder if it was too late to honor him.
The least Mubarak can do tomorrow is to attend the Funeral ,not to send anyone and I think he will send anyone as he will busy with this Iraqi Circus "People Iraq won't have Peace except when the American troops go back home"
Anyway God bless your Hussein El-shafi
Friday, November 18, 2005
The Flu season
Started with Grand Ma and Now me
I am still in the early stages, I am taking medicines and so on, yet I feel things may go worse
You know when you can't breathe from your nose and breathe from your mouth, I am doing this now to keep me alive oh boy.
I feel that winter started early this year, and it seems to be one long very cold winter, I don't like Winter I like summer and the summer nights (
Monday, November 14, 2005
I want to talk about these things
- The Syrian issue and the Syrian president speech in Damascus University
- Abdel -Karim arresting "if you are Egyptian blogger ,you will know whom I am talking about"
- The current events in Egypt and boy they are so many
- The jubilee of Egyptian Intelligence "didn't talk the enough space last time"
- Why I consider "Agent 1001" is not on the required standard " for all those girls who are waiting to know why I didn't like it"
- What else!? Oh yes the TV series I watched in Ramadan "Sara"
- Raya and Sakina true terrible images
- The life makers again and again
as you see there are many things I put it in my mind yet time is problem as I am busy but I will try , I once made a list like this from couple of months yet I didn't write anything , hopefully I will write this time :)
Stay tune
It is not an Islamic Revolution that in France
First I didn't watch Fox news for some time now as I think it is lying and biased against the Muslim Community in the world
Second I am amazed describing the Angry riots in France by Islamic not mention that I heard that that Fox News is so happy saying that deserves France for not going in the American carven and standing against the American war machine !!!!!!!
Guys what are you seeing in France is the anger of unacceptable social class
a social class that consists of the third generations of Immigrants that have French passport with French culture yet they are not accepted till now as citizens
Yes most of them come of North Africa where Arabic and Islam are the language and religion of this area of World
But the third generation whose origin comes from this region ,barely speaks Arabic or even practice Islam as it should be
this is a reality no one can deny ,there is gap , a lost identity between roots that had been cut off from long time and nationality that is only on passport and id papers
It is the anger of social class that found itself unaccepted because of Color ,origin and poverty
Do you know that the districts outside Paris where Riots erupted ,the French word to describe them comes from the English Word "BAN"
Yesterday I knew this shocking racist information from a French guest in 10 O'clock
Even if you are blond ,with colored eyes you won't be able to work in a decent place if you come from these places.
The crime rates there are high , the ignorance rate there are high , the poverty there are high
The hip-hop and rap there was full of violence and hate since 10 years ago
It is a social Vito made by those unaccepted to be accepted as humans with rights to be respected and to be protected
No religion in this game nor origin roots , guys those don't want to return to Algeria or Ivory Coast ,those want to be French citizen , complete French citizen
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
Mustafa El-Akad passed away
this is sad day in the Arabic cinema and also international cinema
please when you are watching the Message or the Lion of desert Omar El-Mokhater ,remember that the director was Arabic muslim Mustafa Akad of Alapo of Syria .
Whey you are watching any Halloween movie ,remember that the producer of this American horror series is an Arabic American man who believed in Arabism .
This man wanted so much in the last years of his life to produce a movie that shows the west the truth about Islam , it was going to be about the Crusaders and the true life of Salah El-Din yet both fate and circumstances
The man was killed from the Jordan blast which the so-called Al-Qaida made it ,this man was against the war in Iraq and supported the Palestinians
I don't know but may be if he wasn't killed ,He could have presented movies that would be more powerful then guns
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Pray for Moustapha Akkad
if you don't know this syrian man or never heard of him ,I will tell you who is him
He is great talented director who made great two movies about Islam and Arab nation El-Resla and Omar ElMokhtar
still don't know him ,well to make it easier
Do you know Halloween series ? Mick Myers killing people
He is the excutive producer of this series , one of the few arabs who had the courage to work in Hollywood , there are many lebanese producers in Hollywood but they don't care about producing or making not a movie but even a documentary about the Arab or Islamic history
Moustafa El-Akad needs your prayers now as he is lying between life and death in Aman hospital , the international director who opposed the war in Iraq was in the wrong time in the wrong place in Redisson hotel in Jordan when the blasts happened
His daughter Rima passed away as result of injuries while he suffers from injuries plus he got a heart attack that made things worst ,
There are many tragdies in Redisson hotel Jordan branch from wedding victims to Moustafa Akad
Please Ask God to mercy him
Moustapha Akkad at IMDB